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The digidestined landed close to the Dragon Eye Lake, where the old digidestined spent their first night in the digiworld. The lake was partially frozen and there was a heavy blizzard. This blizzard caught the digidestined unawares on wearing summer clothes.

- I didn’t expect a blizzard like this. –Davis said.

- Quick! Let’s get into that trolley car to take refuge from the cold and put on the warm clothes. –TK ordered after seeing the trolley car that was the same one in the past.

All of them ran on the rocky bridge that gave access to the small island where the trolley car was and they got into it to take refuge from the blizzard.

- I’ve never seen a so intense blizzard like this. –Kari said.

- It’s just as well this trolley car was close; if we’d gone to find another refuge more remote, we would have frozen through the way. –Yolei said.

- Is it you, Yolei? –A familiar voice sounded from the cab.

- Hawkmon? –Yolei asked.

- Yolei? –He asked leaning out-. Yolei! –He shouted and flew to his human partner.

- Hawkmon! It’s been a long time without seeing you. –Yolei said hugging her digimon partner.

- Me too. –Hawkmon replied-. Thank heaven you all have come.

- Where are the rest? Veemon, Agumon and the others. –Davis asked.

- I’d better explain you what is happening here. A few days ago, it began to snow this way you’re seeing all over the island, at the same time that dark towers appeared and dark rings got out of them. Then, we split up all around the island trying to take refuge from this blizzard and the dark rings. –Hawkmon explained.

- Dark towers and dark rings? Does that mean there’s a new Digimon Emperor? –Ken asked.

- We don’t know who our new enemy is. We know this situation that is going through the digiworld is its deed. –He replied.

- Does our enemy have something to do with this blizzard? –TK said-. I say it because we saw the File Island totally snow-covered in holograms, that occasion when that being compound of data communicated with us through Kari; he told us the reason why we were chosen.

- On being used as media, I remembered absolutely nothing. Tai explained me everything when we returned to the real world after defeating Apocalymon. –Kari said.

- Besides, the only zone of File Island where it snows, is on Freezland where Tai and Matt landed when we were separated by Devimon. –TK said.

- Then, this snowfall must be deed of our enemy together with the dark towers and the dark rings. –Davis said.

- Let’s put on the warm clothes before we catch pneumonia. –Cody ordered.

- Yes. –The rest replied.

All of them took their warm clothes out and put on them over the clothes they were already wearing.

- We have to find the rest of our digimons now. –Davis said.

- You’d better wait until the blizzard dies down; there are times when it snows only. –Hawkmon said.

- Then we will wait until the blizzard dies down. –Cody said.

The digidestined waited until a half hour when the blizzard died down and it was snowing only.

- It looks like the blizzard’s already died down. –Kari said.

- Let’s go before the blizzard comes back. –Ken said.

- Yes. –The rest replied.

The digidestined got out of the trolley car and were attacked by Seadramon who was under the control of a dark ring that was on its tail.

- It’s Seadramon! –TK shouted.

- Look! It’s under the control of a dark ring. –Kari said.

- Digivolve, Hawkmon. –Yolei ordered.

- Roger that. –He replied-. HAWKMON DIGIVOLVE TO… AQUILAMON! –But he didn’t evolve.

- Can’t you digivolve? –Yolei asked.

- Look, a dark tower. –Cody said who averted his look to his left and saw the dark tower that was in the forest behind the television from which they came.

- It was just behind the television. –Davis said.

- We were so watchful of getting into the trolley car and we didn’t see the dark tower. –TK said.

- That’s why you can’t digivolve. –Yolei said taking her D-Terminal out-. Then, ARMOR DIGIVOLVE!


The digidestined crossed the rocky bridge as Halsemon was trying to destroy the dark ring. But Seadramon was too fast.

- Halsemon, attract Seadramon so that it destroys the dark tower. –Yolei ordered.

- OK. –Halsemon replied going to the dark tower.

Seadramon shot its attack Ice Winder at Halsemon, but he moved away to make the attack destroy the dark tower. Even having been the tower destroyed, Seadramon was still under the control of the ring.

- It can’t be. It’s still under the control of the ring. –Kari said.

- Then, we have no option else but destroy the ring. –Yolei said-. Halsemon, try to destroy the ring.

- Understood. –He replied-. EAGLE EYE! –The attack paralyzed Seadramon temporally. RED SUN! –He pointed his attack towards the dark ring and it was destroyed.

- He did it. –Yolei shouted while Halsemon flew towards her regressing. Then, Yolei hugged Hawkmon.

Then, Seadramon returned to normal and dived in the lake.

- It looks like those dark rings act like the dark spirals; they don’t need the aid of a dark tower. –Ken said-. I guess the dark towers are just to prevent the evolution and create the rings.

- Then, we’d need to destroy as much the dark rings as the dark towers on knowing the rings won’t lose their function after destroying a dark tower. –TK said.

- First, we have to find our digimon partner dispersed all around the island and then we’ll take care of finding our new enemy and destroying the dark towers. –Cody said.

- Where will we begin to search? –Kari asked.

- I suggest that we go up the Mihirashi Mountain where Meramon lives. I guess the Yokomons that lived in their village on the Gear Savannah must be with him in some cave not to be cold. –TK said-. Perhaps most of our digimon partners have taken refuge with them.

- Then, we’ll begin to search in the Mihirashi Mountain. –Cody said.

The digidestined together with Hawkmon took the way to the Mihirashi Mountain. After one hour walking, they arrived at the foot of the mountain.

- We’ve never went up this mountain. It’d be easier for us to go up without the snow and ice that can make us slide downwards. –TK said.

- Why don’t you try to digivolve to Aquilamon to take us up flying? –Yolei asked-. You’ll be able to fly with no problem since the weather is calmer now.

- I’m not seeing any dark tower around here, I’ll try it. –Hawkmon replied-. HAWKMON DIGIVOLVE TO… AQUILAMON!

- He could digivolve normally this time. –Yolei said happy.

- Get onto my back. –Aquilamon ordered.

The digidestined got onto Aquilamon’s back.

- Hold tight. –Yolei ordered.

They six held well on Aquilamon as he was flying to the top of Mihirashi Mountain. On arriving at the top, Aquilamon went into the crater and stopped next to the spring that was frozen. Then, the digidestined got off Aquilamon and he regressed to Hawkmon.

- We arrived. –Davis said.

- Look, that’s the cave that I supposed it would be here. –TK said after seeing the cave that was just behind them.

- At least Meramon and the Yokomons must be in there. Let’s get in. –Davis said.

The six digidestined and Hawkmon got into the cave and continued to the final where they met Meramon and the Yokomons together with Biyomon, Tentomon, Armadillomon and Wormmon.

- Guys! You’ve come! –Biyomon and Tentomon shouted.

- Digidestined! Thank heaven you have come! –Meramon shouted while the Yokomons were jumping.

- Cody! Ken! –Armadillomon and Wormmon shouted.

- Wormmon! Armadillomon! –Ken and Cody shouted as their partner ran towards them to hug them.

- I really missed you. –Ken said.

- Me too. –Ken replied.

- I see you very grown-up, Cody. –Armadillomon said.

- Yeah, thank goodness you’re fine. –Cody replied.

- Hasn’t Sora come? And Izzy either? –Biyomon and Tentomon asked.

- Not unfortunately. –TK replied-. Only we could come.

Together with them, there was a digimon with appearance of a panda that attracted the attention of the digidestined.

- Who are you? –Davis asked.

- That’s Ferri’s digimon partner. –TK replied.

- That’s right; I’m Ferri’s digimon partner. My name is Greenymon. –He said.







- We four didn’t meet you then because we weren’t there. I am Davis and they are Yolei, Cody and Ken. –Davis said pointing at them three.

- Pleased. –They three replied.

- I guess you must be wishing Ferri to come. –Kari said.

- Yes, of course. I hope he comes soon. –He replied.

- Ferri and Yvette sent an e-mail to Izzy saying they were trying to open the digiport. I guess they must be already in the digiworld. But, does Ferri know you’re here in File Island? –Yolei said.

- Yes, he knows. He, Yvette and Ángel left me, Cachomon and AngelGatomon here in File Island when they went back to the real world, a few days after MaloMyotismon’s defeat. –Greenymon said.

- I guess Cachomon and AngelGatomon must be Yvette and Ángel digimons, aren’t they? –Davis said.

- Yes, they are. –Greenymon replied.

- AngelGatomon? An angelical Gatomon exists? –Kari asked surprised.

- Yes. –Greenymon replied.

- As we’re travelling all over the island trying to find our digimons, we’ll probably find Ferri on the way. You can come with us. –TK said.

- Thanks for letting me goes with you all; I’m so feeling like seeing Ferry again. –Greenymon said.

- I guess you all are here because of the terrible blizzard that is lashing the entire island. –Yolei said looking at the Yokomons.

- Apart from that, we came because a dark tower appeared on the savannah, and many dark rings came. Many of us were captured by those rings, only we could escape. –The Yokomons said.

- Our new enemy is controlling all the captured digimons with the dark rings and I guess it’s causing the blizzard to capture them easily. –Meramon said.

- It must be like that because the blizzard was precisely when the dark rings came to our village. –One of the Yokomons said.

- Do you know who is the responsible for all this? –Davis asked.

- I have no idea. –Meramon replied.

- I think we should go to Factorial Town, maybe we find another of our digimons there. –Kari said.

- Yeah. We must find all our digimon partners first and then we’ll take care of destroying the dark tower and finding our new enemy. –TK said.

- Then let’s go before the blizzard comes back. –Davis said.

- Before I forget it, I’ll send a message to Izzy through my D-Terminal, to tell him what is happening in the digiworld. –Yolei said while taking her D-Terminal out.

- Give my regards to Izzy and tell him I’m perfectly. –Tentomon said.

- And also to Sora. –Biyomon said.

- Of course. –Yolei smiled.

The e-mail said:

Hello Izzy.

We all are fine; we landed on the Dragon Eye Lake. When we arrived, there was a terrible blizzard that forced us to get into the trolley car where you spent your first night in the digiworld. In the trolley car we found Hawkmon hidden in the cab. He explained us that dark towers appeared all over the island and dark rings got out of them.

When the blizzard died down, we got out of the trolley car and Seadramon under the control of a dark ring attacked us. When the dark tower was destroyed, we saw Seadramon was still controlled, reason why Halsemon had to destroy the ring. That shows, these new dark rings have the same function as the dark spirals had: they don’t need the aid of a dark tower to work.

Then, we decided to go to the Mihirashi Mountain that is where we are now. We’re in a cave of the mountain where Biyomon, Tentomon, Armadillomon, Wormmon, Meramon, the Yokomons and Ferri’s digimon partner were. All the digimon are fine and scared logically. Tentomon gives his regards to you and says he’s perfectly. When you talk to Sora, tell her Biyomon gives her regards to her and she’s fine too.

Knowing how the climate is in File Island, we think this temporal that is lashing the entire island must be also deed of our new enemy, just like the dark towers and the dark rings.

Now we’re going to Factorial Town to see if we find another of our digimons. When we’ve found all our digimons, we’ll notify you.

Greetings, Yolei.

After reading it, Izzy wrote:

Hello Yolei.

Thanks for informing me about what is happening in the digiworld and about Tentomon is fine. Tell him I’m so glad that he’s fine. I’ll say everything to Tai, Sora, Matt, Joe and Mimi.

Good luck and find all our digimons.

Greetings, Izzy.

Immediately, Izzy took his cell phone and began to call Sora first, to tell her Biyomon was fine.

Meanwhile, Yolei received the message that Izzy had written.

- It seems like Izzy’s received the message and wishes us luck to find our digimons. –Yolei said-. And he’s glad that you’re fine, Tentomon. –She said fixing her look at him.

- Thanks. –He replied.

Suddenly, a roar sounded from outside. The digidestined and their digimon got out of the cave to see what was going on. It was MetalGreymon under the control of a dark ring and in blue color.

- It’s MetalGreymon. –Kari said and noticed the dark ring that was on his right arm and his blue color-. But, he’s under the control of a dark ring.

- We don’t know if that’s Tai’s Agumon. –TK said.

- I know perfectly that’s him; I distinguish our digimon friends very well. –Kari said.

- It looks like he didn’t manage to hide from the dark rings. –Armadillomon said.

- But MetalGreymon is an ultimate digimon, and it’s supposed the dark rings control champion digimons as much. –Cody said.

- Undoubtedly, those dark rings are very different. They have practically the same function and power as the dark spirals. –Ken said.

- We have to destroy the dark ring. –Davis said.

- Digivolve! –Yolei, Cody and Ken shouted at their digimons.

- I’m tired, I’ve digivolved twice. –Hawkmon said.

- Then get into the cave and rest. Armadillomon and Wormmon can take care of him. –Yolei said.

Hawkmon obeyed Yolei and got into the cave.

- Digivolve Armadillomon. You too Wormmon. –Cody and Ken said.

- Yes! –Wormmon and Armadillomon replied.



- Let me help you. –Meramon said while getting out of the cave.

- Be careful; he’s very powerful. –TK said.

- SPINKING STRIKE! –He pointed his attack to the dark ring, but MetalGreymon dodged it.

- TAIL HAMMER! –He also pointed his attack to the dark ring, but MetalGreymon caught Ankylomon and threw him on the ground.

- He’s too strong. Some champion digimons are not rivals against him. –Cody said.

- FIREBALL! –Meramon shot his attack at the ring, but MetalGreymon destroyed it with his Mega Claw and shot it at him. Meramon could dodge it by the skin of one's teeth.

- Shooting at the ring from a distance knowing he’ll dodge it, it’ll be useless. –Ken said.

- Perhaps we should attack his legs to make him fall down and then destroy the dark ring. –TK said.

- That would be the most effective solution. At this rate the digimons will get tired soon. –Cody said.

- SPINKING STRIKE! –He tried to destroy the ring again, but MetalGreymon hit him with his arm.

Then, MetalGreymon shot his Giga Blaster at Meramon. Meramon used his blazes to keep the missiles away from him and they exploded a soon after keeping them. The wave of the explosion pushed all the digimons against the rocks.

- Attack his legs to make him fall down and then destroy the ring. –Davis ordered.

- OK! –Ankylomon, Stingmon and Meramon replied.

- TAIL HAMMER! –Ankylomon beat MetalGreymon with his tail on one of his legs to make him fall down-. FIREBALL! MOON SHOOTER! –Meramon and Stingmon shot at the ring and ended up destroying it.

MetalGreymon regressed to Agumon returning to normal. Ankylomon and Stingmon regressed too, and went to where their human partners were.

- Guys! Thanks for releasing me from that dark ring! –Agumon said-. I’m glad that you’ve come, where’s Tai? –He asked.

- He couldn’t come to the digiworld; it seems like the old digivices can’t cope with all the work. Just TK, Davis, Cody, Ken, Yolei and I could come. –Kari said.

- What a pity! I wanted to see him again. How is he? –He said.

- He’s perfectly. –Kari replied-. And how are you? Didn’t you suffer any important damage as we were attacking you to take the dark ring from you? –She asked.

- No, nothing important. I’m fine. –He replied.

- How did you end up under the control of that dark ring? –Davis asked.

- Gabumon, Patamon and I were running to Toy Town to hide from three dark rings that were chasing us. While we were running, unluckily I stumbled and one of the rings caught me. –He replied-. I don’t know if Gabumon and Patamon got to escape from them or destroy them.

- I hope Patamon isn’t under the control of a dark ring when he was about to be slave of the Digimon Emperor. –TK said.

- And Gabumon either. –Kari said.

- If what Agumon says is true, it’s clear that Patamon and Gabumon are on Toy Town. –Yolei said.

- After exploring the entire Factorial Town, we’ll pass through the same drains that Andromon indicated us to arrive at Toy Town faster. –TK said.

- Isn’t there another place cleaner where to go through? –Davis asked.

- It’s not so nice, but it’ll protect us from the blizzard if it comes back. –TK replied.

- Let’s go before the blizzard comes back. –Cody said.

- Yes. –The rest of the digidestined replied.

- As for you Agumon, you’ll be safer if you stay here. –Kari said.

- OK. –He replied.

- How will we go down from the Mihirashi Mountain without the risk of falling downwards? –Ken asked.

- I’ll melt the snow that is on the way until you’re totally downwards. –Meramon said.

- Greenymon and Hawkmon, come out. –TK ordered who was in the cave’s entry.

- OK. –They both replied while running to the digidestined.

- Agumon, Biyomon and Tentomon. You’ll be safe in here, so don’t go away. –TK said.

- OK. –They replied.

- Follow me, digidestined. –Meramon ordered.

- OK. –The digidestined replied.

- Goodbye. –The digidestined said to the digimons who would stay in the cave.

- Goodbye. –The digimons replied.

The digidestined followed Meramon to go up to the top of the mountain. When they arrived at the top, they placed straight to the Gear Savannah.

- Now we’ll go down straightly while I’m melting the snow until we arrive at the foot of the mountain. –Meramon said.

- OK. –The digidestined and their digimons replied.

Meramon raised the level of his flames while walking, to melt the snow that was on his way as the digidestined were following him. They arrived at the foot of the mountain in six minutes.

- I’ll leave you here. Good luck, digidestined. –Meramon said while preparing to go up the mountain.

- Thank you for helping us, Meramon. Goodbye. –Davis said.

- Goodbye. –Meramon said while going up the mountain.

- Let’s go to Factorial Town. –Davis said.

- Yes. –The rest replied.

The digidestined and their digimons set out to Factorial Town crossing the Gear Savannah.

Will the digidestined find the rest of their digimon partners? What is expecting them in Factorial Town? The answers in the next chapter of…


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Lady Devimon's Minions

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RE: DIGIMON ADVENTURE. THE NEW THREAT (NON-HENTAI) - by AngelGatomon - 12-06-2009, 10:59 AM