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Casual Rex (private for Fox and Casey)
Jasmine chuckles, "Nope can't do that I got to chaperon you to love birds. I mean what if you to started making out after getting back together someone got to be there to make sure this stays out of the bedroom. Also if I can't do that then at least I get hear you two having inter-species relations," she said with laugh sticking out her tongue and grabbed a towel off the rack and began to dry off. "Also is it today or tomorrow they begin their trip I can't quite remember?" she asked as she finished drying off.
Casey sniffled some and sighed as he answered his cell phone he knew it was Renee he figured she was calling telling him she never wanted to see him again. He sniffled into the phone as he answered it, "Hello...," he trailed off not sounding like himself, "I will get over there in while...." There was a bit of a sob as he hung up the cell. He got up and started gathering up the stuff that was Renee's so he could return the items to her. After while he picked up the bundle and headed out the door and got into his car. He drove to Renee's place and saw Jasmine's and Renee's cars under the car part.
Phillip sighed and shook his head, "Yeah it is a lie," he said half halfheartedly it wasn't even the least bit believable. He remembered all the times he been to her recitals and listen to her play at the other end of were her mother sat usually since her Dad couldn't always make it to them. He remembered all the times he would try to out do David on the gifts for her birthday there were a few times his gifts were better than David's. Like at her last birthday in the glove box of her new car was a letter saying she wouldn't receive any tickets unless she was caught speeding thirty miles over the speed limit, that included parking violations. "If there is anything you want you can ask of me Jenny and I do mean anything," he said it was half hearted like the lie he told her a moment ago.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: Casual Rex (private for Fox and Casey) - by Casey the furry one - 11-13-2009, 03:25 PM