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Renama-ma (Diapers/babyplay)
“Well hello. You gave us quite a scare, dear.”

“Oh, what happened?” Renamon asked weakly as she tried to rise. Seiko, placed a hand on her shoulder and stopped her.

“It’s okay.” Seiko said, gently pushing Renamon back down onto her pillow. “You’ve got a pretty nasty cold, probably from all that jumping around in the rain.” She chuckled a bit as she spoke. “You’ll be alright but you’re going to need to stay in bed for a few days.”

Renamon sighed but nodded. “How’s Rika?”

“She’s alright. She was pretty upset when we got home but she’s much better now.” She chuckled sweetly before finishing. “She needed a change pretty badly though. The poor dear was soaked. In more ways than one.”

“Good.” Renamon smiled at this. “I’m glad that-wait.” Renamon cut herself off when she realized what she’d said. “Do you mean that you know-”

“About how Rika like to wear diapers? Yes.” Seiko saw the surprise on Renamon‘s face and continued to explain. “Rumiko and I actually found out a long time ago. We came home early from a shopping trip and found her asleep on the couch. We didn’t want to surprise her so we snuck back out and called before coming back. We wanted to confront her about it but she seemed so happy afterwards we couldn’t bring ourselves to ask. In the end we decided that if Rika ever wanted us to know she’d tell us when she was ready.”

“I see.” Renamon said simply. “So Rika was worried for nothing.”

Seiko shrugged. “I guess she was.” She suddenly got a worried look on her face. “Now Renamon, I need to check something and I need you to promise to stay clam.” Renamon raised an eyebrow but nodded. Seiko nodded back and lifted up Renamon’s blanket. Renamon looked down and her eyes went wide when she saw one of Rika’s diapers taped around her waist.

“Wh-What?” Renamon asked in shock, lifting her head up. “Why am I-”

“Renamon you promised to stay calm.” Seiko said in a stern yet gentle voice. Renamon exhaled heavily and laid back down. “I’m really sorry Renamon. You were out cold and we were worried you couldn’t,” She paused, trying to put it as gently as possible. “control yourself.”

Renamon sighed but nodded in understanding. “It’s alright. I was just a little surprised.” She lifted her head again and looked at the diaper. “Am I…” She trailed off, blushing a bit beneath her fur.

“No you’re dry.” Seiko replied with a comforting smile. “If you want I could take it off now that you're awake.”

Renamon thought about it for a few seconds before answering. “N-No. You can leave it on.” She lifted her paw and felt the soft material. “It’s actually quite comfortable.” A small smile crawled onto her face.

Seiko smiled back and covered her back up. “Good. So long as you’re not upset. Now I just need to-” Suddenly the door flew open. Renamon and Seiko looked up and saw a pajama-clad Rika standing in the doorway, her diaper making her middle bulge out a tiny bit. After a second a huge smile appeared on her face.

“Renamon!” She cried out as she darted inside and embraced her partner, sobbing quietly. “I-I’m so glad you’re alright. I was so scared that you…that you were…”

“Shh.” Renamon whispered, placing her paw behind Rika’s head. “It’s alright now Rika, I’m fine. I’m sorry I worried you.” Rika sniffled and laid her head against Renamon’s chest. Rumiko appeared in the doorway a moment later but remained silent.

Seiko smiled at the sight and stood up. “I’ll just leave you two alone for a bit.” With that she stepped out of the room with her daughter. They gave the pair one last loving smile before closing the door.

“I’m so sorry Renamon.” Rika said after she’d calmed down a bit. “If-if wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have-” Rika was cut off when Renamon placed a finger against her lips.

“Rika, this wasn’t your fault, so don’t you dare blame yourself.” She cupped Rika’s cheek with her paw and smiled. “Okay?”

Rika wiped her eyes and smiled back. “Okay. ” She sniffled one last time and giggled. “I-I guess it’s my turn to take care of you now huh, Rena-baby?”

Renamon’s smile grew a bit and she nodded. “I’d like that.”

The End (again)

Well that's it. I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for checking it out.

Messages In This Thread
Renama-ma (Diapers/babyplay) - by blankmind12 - 11-11-2009, 08:03 PM
RE: Renama-ma (Diapers/babyplay) - by blankmind12 - 11-12-2009, 06:08 PM