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Casual Rex (private for Fox and Casey)
Phillip sighed as he stared at Renee, "I am sorry but right now since you know dinosaur's secretly live among humans. A secret bigger than even "Area 51".... Now what I need to know is how well your able to keep a secret," he stated letting her know that she couldn't mention a word of this to anyone. "Now would you keep our secret and not tell another living soul?" he asked directly this time knowing she was about to start crying. "Now if you can I will give you the benefit of the doubt a trust that you won't tell anyone," he added while he finished filling out a few forms and pushed them forward. He knew they contained information on what would happen to her if she did tell their secret. "Now I need you to read and sign these papers. When you done with that give them back to me tonight and I will give you a new driver's license that will let people know that your friend of the community," he explained, "and now you may go."

Jasmine walked over to Renee and put an arm around her and rubbed her shoulder in a friendly manner. "Well do you want to see Casey and tell him the news that you both can be back together?" she asked her girl friend and smiled real big knowing just how happy that would make them. She then picked up the file and handed it to Renee, then looked back and winked at Phillip,
"See you later tonight and maybe if you actually as good as you say you are I might put on a show with Allison," she said blushing all the more, she had done it with a girl before but she preferred a dick to a woman touch.
Casey sighed as he started, "I'm sorry but with the fact that you killed that one guy and yes I know he was going to rape you; but still made me fear for Renee safety....," he trailed off when she said his happiness mattered more to her he was surprised he was at a lost for words. When she said she loved him he felt like a ass for assuming that she would maybe kill Renee even if she hated her. He sighed deeply and pulled his paw away from hers, "I don't deserve your affection with what I did after the incident in the hallway. I thought so little of you, I know how jealous T-rex's can get because of Jasmine's last boyfriend. I thought since you killed once out of fear you might do it again but this time to get rid of a rival mate...," he trailed off ashamed of what he did behind Jenny's back when he should have asked her before having Jasmine take Renee to his father.

"I'm sorry I should have gotten all the facts first before making such a dooshbag out of myself," he said still not looking at Jenny as they pulled into his drive way and then into the garage. "Can you forgive me if so would you at least still like to be friends after I get all this settled?" he asked.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: Casual Rex (private for Fox and Casey) - by Casey the furry one - 11-10-2009, 10:14 AM