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The Story of Delta-Six (read for more info)

Eons ago, it reigned supreme. Any ruler worth his or her throne had one or more powerful sorcerers or mages at their beck and call. Arcane runes adorned every sacred place on the face of the earth. Powerful beings fought amongst eachother constantly for more magical power. The world was truly dark.

Then technology came, and the pursuit of magic fell out of favor for the next greatest technological achievement. Witchcraft and Sorcery were banned, and anyone caught practicing it were brutally murdered. Entire tomes of powerful magics were burned or destroyed. would think magic is truly dead. would think wrong.


We are The Organization, or The Org for short. We are charged with policing magical beings worldwide, and protecting the populace from those magic-wielders that would try and use their powers to take over the world.

We are above and beyond every other governmental organization in the world. We have worldwide jurisdiction, unlimited resources, and the best men and women for the job. We don't wish to extinguish magic, seeing as many of our members are accomplished magic-wielders, but we wish to extinguish those who wish to harm the world with their powers.


Welcome to Delta-Six, one of the many squads that operate within The Org. Our roots stem from one of the original squads, Delta-Two. We have worldwide reach, with a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter and a C-130E Hercules transport aircraft directly reserved for our squad.

We have the latest in combat technologies, and the best in the arcane arts at our disposal to combat the occult.

You may or may not have background in the various worldwide militaries, but that doesn't matter. You were chosen for Delta-Six because you all have one thing in common. You have some form of experience in Magic or the Paranormal, and you all have a modicum of combat skills. You will need both to accomplish the goals for The Org.



You are a part of a worldwide organization, charged with policing and protecting the many arts of magic from those who wish to abuse them. Or maybe you are an enemy of The Org, and wish to use your innate magical powers to take over the world.

There are three main groups in this game:

Humans - a tossup of magical abilities, this group has been around since the dawn of time. A small number of Humans still practice magic, despite a large number of them being "magically gifted". Many of them are just blissfully unaware of their powers, and just chalk it up as luck or skill.

Elves - a slowly dying race, these are the most proficient magic-users, many of which are trained from birth to use their magics. They can easily blend in with society using a simple spell to hide their odd skin colors and pointed ears.

Abhuman - these are universally known as "Furs". A new race, born by technology. These combinations of Human and Animal are the least proficient in magic, but they make up for it in animal reflexes, and unnatural speed and strength. They are rarely seen outside The Org, and they really stand out in a crowd.


Character Sheets

These will be done in official military-style dossier format, just to add to the overall feel of the game, if you don't mind. Please think your character out for this.

Rank: (only if your character has military background)
Race: (Elvin, Human, Abhuman)
Species: (only applies to Elvin and Abhuman. If you can't think of different kinds of elves, I will slap you through your monitor.)
Alignment: (Organization or Rogue)
Magical Proficiency: (0-3 for Abhuman, 0-6 for Human, 4-10 for Elvin)
Spells: (only applies if your MP Rating is over 2.)
Equipment: (can be weapons, magical artifacts, etc. Keep in mind common sense and physics when filling this out, please.)
Background Information:
Last Known Location: (if you're a member of Delta-Six, your last location will be The Org, if you're Rogue, this is open to whereever you wish.)


Lets see who bites.
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan

Messages In This Thread
The Story of Delta-Six (read for more info) - by Bee - 11-06-2009, 07:15 AM