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The Kingdom of Valdemar
I guess we'll do this just between us until we get more people (Or stay between us if no one else joins)

Name: Kaelann shena Tale'sedrin
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Sub-race: Half-Shin'a'in
Gifts: Strong Fetching, Strong Thoughtspeaking, Medium empathic sense, weak empathic projection
Orientation: Bisexual
Appearance: Fairer skin than the average Shin'a'in due to being born into the already mixed blooded Tale'sedrin clan. Long blonde hair, bright green eyes. Well muscled, Six and a half feet tall, just over two hundred pounds.
Biography: Born to the union of a young Shin'a'in woman and an unknown outland mage within the confines of Tale'sedrin's camp. Even as a child, he began showing signs of his Gifts, but as is most common, they didn't entirely manifest until puberty. He is one of the few Shin'a'in to be Chosen by a companion, but has taken to the new challenge of "civilization" as readily as he had taken to the challenge of surviving on the plains. Before being Chosen, he, like most of his kin, worked with the unique (And highly sought after) Warsteeds that the Shin'a'in have bred for generations beyond recollection. He is an excelent swordsman, and can often be found practicing, or working with younger students under the watchful eye of Herald Jeri, the current Weaponsmaster at the Collegium

The day he was Chosen began like any other, up with the sun, light workout, grab a bite to eat. But as he was working with the young mare which would eventually be his mount, a single white stallion walked into the camp. By now everyone there knew what the eerie horse-like creature was, and what it meant. So when it walked over to Kaelann, he willingly moved toward it as well. The Companion had little to "say" at that moment, only giving Kaelann his name, Randal, and informing him that he was to become a Herald. Kaelann resisted at first, insisting that he was needed on the plains, but in the end, he gave in, and rode off with the young companion

Once he arrived at Haven, Kaelann did what he could to fit in, though it wasn't easy for him to accept the concept of a uniform, especially one without any real color to it. But in this, he also eventually settled down, wearing the Grays with only a minor complaint now and then. Despite his weapons expertise, and experience riding the plains, he still has a lot to learn about his new home.


Kaelann walked calmly toward the dining hall after the breakfast bell rang. He was looking forward to classes officially starting the next day, though he'd been studying everything he could about the kingdom since his arrival.

:Would have been easier if you'd just tell me the things that aren't in the books.: he Said to his companion.

:Some things you have to learn on your own Kael. We can't solve everything for you.: Randal replied

:One of these days horse, you're going to be wrong about something: Kaelann chuckled quietly, causing one of the servants to jump and move away from him He's new.. he thought.

:When that day finally comes, you can gloat about it. Now hush and get something to eat.:

Messages In This Thread
The Kingdom of Valdemar - by Big Dave - 10-28-2009, 07:10 AM
RE: The Kingdom of Valdemar - by Zach attack - 10-29-2009, 05:22 AM
RE: The Kingdom of Valdemar - by Big Dave - 10-30-2009, 03:30 PM
RE: The Kingdom of Valdemar - by Sarita - 10-31-2009, 05:39 AM
RE: The Kingdom of Valdemar - by Zach attack - 11-02-2009, 03:10 PM
RE: The Kingdom of Valdemar - by Big Dave - 11-04-2009, 06:51 AM