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The Kingdom of Valdemar
The kingdom of Valdemar has been at peace for many years. Giving them time to rebuild after the war with Hardorn, and the Mage Storms which followed soon after. Since the end of the Mage Storms, there has been an increase in the number of Gifted children born within the effected areas, and an identical increase in the number of Companions being born in Valdemar's capital city of Haven.

Not all of these gifted children have been Chosen, but under the guidance of the Heraldic Council, all will be trained. Those who have not been chosen will be held to the same ethical standards as the Heraldic trainees, but despite the instructors' best efforts, mistakes can be made.

The Mage Gift, while still more rare than the others, has also grown more common in recent years, creating a need for more talented instructors to be brought in, most of these coming from the Tayledras, and Kale'a'din clans. But some coming from trusted schools such as the White Winds and Blue Mountain schools.

The Bardic Collegium has also found it's ranks swelling with new apprentices, much to the delight of the kindom's populace.

The healers have responded to the growing numbers in the same way as the new Mage's collegium, calling in experienced healers from Valdemar's newfound allies to assist in training the next generation.

This RP will take place in Mercedes Lackey's fictional world of Velgarth, focusing as many of her great novels have, on the Kingdom of Valdemar. It is set approximately twenty years after the end of the Owl series (if any of you have read the books.) I would prefer most people to play as trainees in the various collegia. Of course, if you'd like to play an older, more experienced character, you may PM me with your request, though if you want to play a full Herald, I do require you to have at least some knowledge of the books. (This isn't to be mean, it's just so that we don't have people playing "Heralds" who are secretly plotting against the kingdom or something equally ridiculous.)

Gift choices:

Bardic: A form of Projective Empathy which works only when the user is playing, or singing. (The strongest gifts can also remove pain from a single listener.)

Empathy: The ability to feel emotions. Or to cause others to feel the emotions of the user (Most with the gift can do both in some degree)

Far-seeing: Basically a scrying spell. Though the image can only be seen by the user, and those linked to him/her. The weakest gifts can only See images through the eyes of someone known to them. More powerful gifts allow the user to spy on a room they've never seen (if they know where it is) filled with complete strangers, or even completely empty.

Fetching: Telekinesis. More powerful gifts can Teleport the desired object, and even living beings over long distances. The user must be able to see his target in some manner. (Line of sight, or with the aide of a Far-seer.)

Fire-starting: The ability to start fires at will. the strength of the gift varies from being able to sustain a candle sized flame long enough to light a camp-fire, to ignititing the particals in the air and raining them down on enemies (Very rare)

Healing: Exactly what it sounds like. This Gift allows the user to accelerate the healing process of an individual many times over. The most powerful gifts can actually regrow limbs with the help of several others (over the course of several weeks.

Mage-gift: A versatile gift limited by the imagination of the user, and his or her ability to draw power. Attempting spells beyond a character's training can have dire consequences for the caster, and those around him/her. Apprentice mages can only draw on their own energy, and that of other willing participants. Journeyman mages can also draw on the thin trickles of energy produced by all living things to recharge his/her own reserves. Master mages can draw on the more powerful Ley lines. And Adepts are capable of drawing power from the Nodes where those lines meet. (Choose one level of power when choosing this gift, that will be your character's limit.) (Rare)

Thought-speech: the ability to hear thoughts, and speak into the thoughts of others. All heralds possess at least some measure of this gift. Allowing them to speak to their companions, and link with other Heralds to boost eachother's powers.

Character sheet. (I will only explain things that I feel need explaining.)

Age: (16+ please)
Race: (Most can simply put "human" but I will allow SOME Changechildren [partially "furry" humans] just PM me with the details, and I'll let you know if it's allowed.)
Sub-race: (Kale'a'din, Tayledras, Shin'a'in, Karsite, Haighlei) (Country of origin, others are possible.)
Gifts: Choose any number of gifts (Preferably only one or two strong ones, More than that requires prior approval.)
Orientation: (Gay/Lesbian, Bisexual, Straight)
Appearance: Pics are fine, but descriptive text is better.
Biography: At least one paragraph please. Tell us where your character was born, how he/she acts, when and how he/she came to Valdemar, all the good stuff)

Sex is allowed, and even encouraged in the RP, just please, keep it reasonable, and keep in mind that you probably have classes in the morning :P
If you have any questions, PM me and I'll try to get back to you as quickly as possible. I'll post my own profiles once we get a few people in here.

Messages In This Thread
The Kingdom of Valdemar - by Big Dave - 10-28-2009, 07:10 AM
RE: The Kingdom of Valdemar - by Zach attack - 10-29-2009, 05:22 AM
RE: The Kingdom of Valdemar - by Big Dave - 10-30-2009, 03:30 PM
RE: The Kingdom of Valdemar - by Sarita - 10-31-2009, 05:39 AM
RE: The Kingdom of Valdemar - by Zach attack - 11-02-2009, 03:10 PM
RE: The Kingdom of Valdemar - by Big Dave - 11-04-2009, 06:51 AM