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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
Zeke looked up at her, and saw the dagger fly towards him. He sighed and the dagger froze in mid air. He then stepped sideways, and the the dagger returned to normal, where it flew into the wall, impaling itself into it. "You're going to have to pay for that," he chuckled. "Look, sweetheart, I only came here for one thing. To give you this letter. It's from Mr.G, in other words God." Zeke then took out a white, wrinkled envelope, and held it up to the girl. "I ain't leaving till you take it, and I know you read it, so take it," he said, standing in the way of the door.

Once Rena took it, and opened the envelope up, she would find a white piece of paper, with printed text on it.

My dear daughter Rena...I know, you have faced pain no mortal as good as you should. I am sad for you. But I am also proud of you, as it is only because of you, that Spero and young Daniel are still alive, and out of the clutches of the demon who you fought. I cannot promise you an easy future, nor the return of your soul. I cannot promise you riches, or power. I can only promise you two things. A chance of protection, and a promise. When you die, you will be give a heroine's welcome into Heaven. Young Ezekiel will be able to explain the protection part.

Sincerely yours, your Father...

"You should feel honored. That old windbag never was much for words," Zeke commented. "Now, here's my LEAST favorite part. Mr. G told me to give you something," he said, and he held up his hand that had the blue ring. He pulled the ring off, and held it up before Rena. "Take it. Mr. G said that if you ever need help, if you are ever under attack by the forces of Hell, and when all hope seems lost, kiss the ring. Your Guardian will appear to save you, and any you care for. Got it?" he asked.

"Thank the boss I ain't going to be stuck with that job though," he mumbled loudly enough for Rena to hear. "Last thing I need is to babysit you and your gang," he joked.

Messages In This Thread
(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 07-30-2009, 03:00 PM
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by TempZero - 10-26-2009, 11:14 AM