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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
The strange girl growled a little and fiercely stated, "I hope you dont think that I belonged to him, or you now! I am Evoline, the feathered, and I am owned by no one!" Her trembling arms began to give out and she eased herself back into her previous position. The pain was clear in every aspect of her being. Her trembling body, her tightened muscles and tone of voice.

Evoline was forced to look straight forward once more as her ears were tugged up again and gasped as they were stretched painfully again. "And I do not know why I am here. To be broken I suppose, but as you can see, he has had no luck in breaking me!" her proud voice belayed her nudity and vulnerability. She was a strange creature, not common, at least not in the north. She wore only one thing aside from her shackles. Around her neck was a thin ring of silver engraved with golden runes. It did not look like a normal slave collar, with no place to attach hooks or leashes or chains, and did not seem of human make, nor that of elves.

"Kill me if you must, but you will not claim my will! This I have sworn!" She said strongly. Even if Master threatened to leave her there until she starved to death she would not surrender, he would see that in her golden eyes, even as they stared forward. Conventional tactics would not work on her, and Master may not be able to take her from this place as a slave. He would have to make her a captive...or a guest.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - by Maero - 10-25-2009, 04:27 PM