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Damn it mother! *warning. use of language *
I swear she over reacts faster than she can chug her fucking booze! Today she said something that was supposed to be a joke. It was an insult type joke. SO I say

"Stop talking about yourself that way." I chuckle. She goes.

"Not even one drink yet and he is starting shit with me! You see this shit?" Then her fucking boy toy (Not my dad but the other one.) goes.

"If you want to be a dick go hang with your brother".

I may look like the bad guy here but hold up. She talks shit about everyone in the family everyone laughs. They laugh at them selfs. I laugh at myself. You make a joke about her she makes the world go ka fucking radada boom. Her boy toy is another story. He is a two face fucker. I mean like this. One minute he hates my mother. The next minute he wants her for sex sex sex. What in the FUCK?!

I do apologize for my language but I am in a VAST AMOUNT OF PAIN. I have been having problems with my legs and sides lately. Well today when I got angry I ran 160 yards. Bad for my sides and legs. I cant feel them to walk but I can feel them for pain. Well I am in pain, Bitch trying to start with me. Then....GOD. I hate my fucking mother. Its hard to give her fucking respect when she treats you like trash.

Oh and here is a kicker. She cares about what I believe in. Religion wise. I bought digital Devil saga. She wanted me to get rid of it because it had a fucking pentagram on it. Who cares? It shows some one has a faith they like.

"Do you stand by what you say?"

"What for fucking freedom of religion? yeah. History bitch!"

She is the main reason why I HATE people. She makes it hard to even try liking others.

OOC: Am I the only one who uses this rant section? I must have a lot to rant about these days. xD

Another thing is. Why in this household everyone is a two face mother fucker? And a lier too. I mean. They SAY they will keep a secret. Then they blab it out later. Fucking fuck fuck. This sucks. Oh well.

B-day is coming up. I hope it is better than this monstrous week.

Messages In This Thread
Damn it mother! *warning. use of language * - by Ryan - 10-21-2009, 01:46 PM