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Casual Rex (private for Fox and Casey)
Casey sighed as he answered the phone and listened politely to what Jasmine had to say to him. He knew she was right and wished now he had waited longer. He cried silently as he sat there in the stall. He wondering what he should do, should he follow his heart and tell the girl that he loved that he was a monster or should he give up on her and move on. As he finished crying he realized he will always wonder if Renee was the one girl for him.
Jasmine turned around to see if Renee was going to show up soon and as she did she saw her standing a few feet behind her. The supposedly human girl gulped and didn't say anything wondering how much Renee just heard. "Look do you trust me that's all I need to know?" she asked wanting to know if her close friend did in fact trust or not. "I really need to know if you do or don't right now," she asked again trying to keep her friend from going into a mental institute.
Then Casey remembered that Jenny was involved in a rape case when she was just thirteen years old and clawed a human male to death. She as a living creature was within her right to do so to avoid such a fate. Yet it did mean she could go rogue later in her life at some point but the odds were very slime like one in a thousand. But Casey didn't want to take the chance and he decided to call Jasmine. "Hey Jenny might try something so could you watch Renee just to make sure nothing happens to her? Also please take her to my dad he is at work. UM the thing is that Jenny had that accident when she was thirteen and I just don't... want to take a chance here you know?" he asked in a worried tone. He just wanted to make sure that Renee stayed safe no matter what.
Jasmine gulped remember that the Jenny the mayor's own daughter was nearly raped in a hiking trip she had with her family and killed a man. She understood that Casey was concerned yet didn't think Jenny would go rogue over a rivalry but then remembered Keven a T-rex she dated and how possessive he got when she dumped him. The triceratops's realized her friend was right and sighed. "Renee look this might get ugly and so please come with me," she said in calm but clearly worried tone.
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

Messages In This Thread
RE: Casual Rex (private for Fox and Casey) - by Casey the furry one - 10-21-2009, 12:17 PM