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Casual Rex (private for Fox and Casey)
Bill listened to his friends words from behind him, and quietly slipped away before he had time to turn around and notice him.
Jenny watched him walk away and dug her nails into her palms to keep herself in control. How dare he talk to her that way? How dare he not leap at the chance to be with her, more than just casual dating? She wanted to be furious, but something wouldn't let her. Her lungs felt like they were on fire from holding it back, but she had to. She had to maintain her composure. She had to have him. Now more than ever. She didn't know why, but she knew she couldn't be rejected this way. Did she love him? Is that what this was? It had to be, right? She slowly took deep breaths to bring her predatory instinct under control, and then angrily made her way to class. Every girl that came within range of her today would suffer for her mood, but she had to make sure to stay away from the human girl who she hated so much. She wanted to kill her... to tear her apart with her teeth and claws and eat her flesh, proving that she was superior in every way. She could not however. She coudln't hurt her in any way so obvious, or Casey would find out. She was not however without ideas. If she couldn't get her directly, then she'd at least get her friends for choosing such a companion. by this time next week, Jasmine would be a social pariah in ever circle the tyranosaurus touched.
Renee parted with her friend quickly and made her way into the girls room. She speed-walked into a stall and closed it, then leaned her forearms and head against the cool, thin metal. She bit down hard on her lip, and squeezed her eyes tightly for several long, long minutes after the bell, then slowly sank into a sitting position on the toilet. She buried her face in her hands to muffle her sobs so that anyone passing by would not hear. How could he do something like this? It made sense if she only thought about it. What did she have that could remotely compare with that of Jenny? Nothing. she was a worthless, stupid, ugly girl with no prospects. Even still, he had to have known they'd bump into each other. How cruel could he be? How was she going to get through the rest of the day after this? They just broke up and already he had the prettiest girl in school. Why not? He could have any girl, what use had he for her?

She slowly became aware of a set of feet in front of her stall. The most of her crying was done and she was able to put the rest down, and dry off her face. She slowly stood up, and opened the door red eyed to a surprise that made her step back a bit. Right there, in the girl's bathroom was Bill and the look he was giving her was a touch scary. It was just weird. She could swear there was something about his eyes that were inhuman...

"Don't freak out" he said quietly, "I just wanna tell you something. I'm sorry about what happened out there. I just wanted you to know that it isn't really all your fault, but you should quit thinking about him. He had to leave you and it's for a bunch of stuff you can't understand. It wasn't a good idea from the start so just forget about it ok? People like us... we eat people like you. Just go be among your own and be happy. You'd never have been happy with Casey, and he with you. It's better that it ended now before you both found out things... Just, don't be so sad. You don't have any need to. You'll be fine" The longer he talked, the more nervous he got, and with the finishing of his words he left quickly to go late to class.

Renee sat bewildered for a moment, then slowly got up and went to the sink. She cleaned up her hair, and washed her face before heading to the flagpole. As she approached she saw Jasmine waiting for her and caught the last of her conversation on the phone. "Renee you should have given her and yourself more time to get over each other before parading Jenny or some other girl. I hope your sorry for making her cry like that when you say you love and even wanted her as your true mate velociraptor ass!" Jasmine angrily hung up the phone, and Renee stood quietly behind her. She didn't think Jas was aware she was there yet, so she just stood there confused. Everyone was suddenly saying weird things that she didn't really understand.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Casual Rex (private for Fox and Casey) - by fox winter - 10-21-2009, 09:54 AM