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Casual Rex (private for Fox and Casey)
Renee gave her a half smile and shifted in her seat a little. "Ok" she said half heartedly, but sincerely, "I'll try my best. I just wish I knew what went wrong... what I did. I thought..." She stopped and looked sadly at her desk again. "Let's go out and do stuff." she said, and smiled again, "I won't promise to have any fun, but I'll at least make sure you don't" Her smile widened and she laughed a little. "But only on the condition that we don't talk about Jason. I'm not.. ready to see someone else. Casey... he might... he might take me back still, so I don't wanna... mess that up you know?"


Bill swallowed his pizza and washed it down quickly with some soda. He whiped his mouth a touch angrily as he glared indignantly at his friend. "That's an ass thing to say" he said sincerely, "I'm not gonna quit hanging with you because you like weird chicks. I just don't wanna hang with them. We're buddies. I just wish I could get you into the Voice of Progress man. Humans shouldn't be our friends... they should be our food. We're supposed to be the top dogs on the planet, not milk-drinkers. As for Jasmine... I wouldn't run out on your for dating her. I wouldn't like it, true, but at least she has scales. If I didn't bail on you for dating a monkey then why would I bail if you dated a flat-tooth?"

Bill reached for his pizza and glanced up with his eyes. He pulled the piece to his mouth and quietly said "Don't look now" just before taking a bite of it. Shortly after, Jenny slipped up behind Casey and put her arms around him.

"Hi" she said shyly, "What's up?" She kissed him lightly on the cheek and waited expectantly. She was almost shaking with worry that he would ultimately reject her.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Casual Rex (private for Fox and Casey) - by fox winter - 10-17-2009, 07:15 AM