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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
"OK...wait..." Rena said softy as she tried to make herself more comfortable beneath the covers. "First, Aurora is fine, she is occupying your soul currently. If you want her to be with you physically...your going to have to release her. I dont know how to, I have never played host for an Angel, but you will know how if you try." She then took a breath or two and said "That was Maculo, a demon of vengeance, a very very powerful demon. Your lucky he wasnt using a host or he may have destroyed you. That was all his own strength...He wants to devourer Spero...or Aurora as you call her. I dont know much more than that, he just seems to hate her with great intensity, and what he did to me was only the tip of the iceberg compared to what he wanted to do to her."

She shivered then and closed her eyes. "I am a conduit, a spiritual medium. I have no powers of my own, but the residual energies around me allow me to create things out of nothing and gain power. Its not as impressive as it sounds, Maculo beat me easily. He tried to steal my power, but there was no power to steal, and so he tore away half of my soul...and ate it." she looked up at D with a pained expression. "My life span will probably only last to...maybe thirty five now. I know what I know because of my grandfather's shop...or at least what used to be his shop. Its gone now. Due to my power, I am able to glimpse some knowledge from the spirits around me. Other than that, I hear things, and feel things."

She then tried to think back to what his other questions were. "Let me see...I dont think so, I mean, demons dont really like to work together unless forced to, and I didnt sense any others. If Maculo is dead and back in hell, then I think you will be safe. As for super powers....I wouldnt recommend it. You will just bring more trouble to yourself and if you keep Aurora trapped in your soul for that long, then she will totally evaporate into a spiritual form and wont be able to return to a human body." Rena sighed softly and dodnt know what else to say...she was at his mercy.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 07-30-2009, 03:00 PM
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 10-12-2009, 06:11 AM