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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
When D awoke, he would feel himself lying down on a hard flat surface. Opening his eyes he would find himself in some kind of basement, but bars separated it into sections, like a prison, and he was behind the bars. Still, the place was not very large, and he could see everything outside the bars and what he saw would likely terrify and enrage him. Directly opposite his cage was Aurora, unconscious and hanging from the wall.

But she was not hung by just her arms, and she was not being held up by shackles. Aurora's naked body hung three feet off the ground against the wall because someone had taken a nail gun and nailed her hands and now large wings into the wall. Blood trickled down from her palms and large beautiful wings. But that was not all. All over her naked body were pentagrams drawn in her own blood. On her stomach, above each breast, on her forehead, just above her shaved pussy, her shoulders, thighs, knees and elbows, and on her back and ass cheeks.

She groaned softly, weakly, but did not wake up. D himself was just behind the bars that split the room in half, not to damaged but sore from his fall. He would not be able to break the bars or bend them, and they would burn his skin when he touched them. If he looked around to see if anyone else was in the room, he would find no one...until another soft groan brought his attention to his side of the cage. Someone else was there with him. She was in the same position as aurora, nailed to the wall by her hands, and covered in pentagrams. It was the girl from the shop!

But there was two large differences between her and his angel. One, she did not have any wings to staple, and two, she was bruised, beaten, and her pussy bled slightly as though she had been fucked recently. Also, if D looked closely, he would find that her pussy was in fact occupied by a rough, black dildo and her nipples were captured between weighted claps. She looked up at D with pained eyes and gasped in pain. "Y...You have...escape.." she whispered weakly before coughing and wincing in pain.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 07-30-2009, 03:00 PM
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 10-10-2009, 04:15 AM