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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Rangiku felt as though she were floating through a dream, simply following the flow of things as she stared, almost glassy eyed, at everything around her. Before she could even begin to comprehend her situation, she was at the alter, being...sold or enslaved to this child. She heard the words come from the priests mouth and looked back at the crowed, wondering if they had heard him like she had, if they knew what was happening. She looked forward at Alex and gasped softly as she saw the pictures. "But I-I never..." She stuttered softly. Then she was hearing Alex in her head and came to understand. Her shoulder's slumped in defeat. "I...I do." She whispered, her eyes down cast as she tried to wrap her mind around what had just happened.


Mike laughed and stabbed his blade into the ground, leaning on it as he firmly entrenched it within the stone. "Why are you here?" He asked them both, casually grinding a stone between his fingers into dust. "Why can you possible achieve here? You know you cant defeat me. You are injured, you are weakened, and you are," He paused and snapped his fingers, spawning his army all over again. "Surrounded." He finished. Standing up straighter and pointing his sword toward the entrance, he commanded the ocean of his soldiers to split and create a way out.

"I on the other hand, am strong, backed by endless allies, and loved by your princess. Ask her yourself, she will not leave me, and if she wanted to, its not her choice any longer. It never was. Free will does not really exist, not for anyone but me. There are only the actions I order, and the actions I allow. I am now allowing you to choose, leave now, live in peace, find a new land, and live to fight another day, or remain and be slaughtered before the one you came to save." Mike lowered his sword and looked at Mario. "Plumber, you love Princes Peach, but is there really any doubt that you will die if you stay? You want to fight to the death to save the one you love, but that is being selfish! You want to uselessly before her? To have her see you slain? Are you truly so self centered that you dont care about the damage you inflict on her after you are gone?! What if I return her one day and she has only your corpse to greet her? What if in taking your own life, you take a part of her with you to death? Make the right choice, turn and leave, and live."

He then looked at Bowser, and stomped his foot once. "Bowser, you are defeated again and again by Mario, a mere plumber! I am a god! I do not need to seize your tail to defeat you, and I do not need to use anything other than my own strength to crush you. So ask yourself, really, is this the way the Koopa king wants to die?! Here, next to Mario, your sword enemy, fight to SAVE Princess Peach?! Are you even a villain anymore? Have you no higher aspirations then capturing a powerless princess? You have a kingdom to run! A land to conquer! Why are you even here?! Why do I have to tell you this?! There will be no second chance, no tomorrow after this defeat King Koopa. Sink or swim, its your choice. Leave or be slain by my hand."

Finally Mike turned to Daisy and smirked. "Fine Daisy, I am actually quite happy that you are among those that did not flee. For you I have a special offer. You can choose to fight, and be defeated, flee and live another day, or come with me and be reunited with Princess Peach. I am the master of all you see, and Peach has been having a hard time adjusting to her new life. Im sure a personal friend would ease the transition, at least a little bit. But, of course, you could uselessly fight me, and be taken, or flee and abandon peach when you alone hold the power to improve her life, if only a by a little." He then swept his arms out and addressed them all. "Make you decisions now, I will wait no longer to know what you intruders will do. Choose and leave, one way or another."


Temari moaned as the warm rain fell upon her, and she continued to lick and suck the cock in her mouth as the clone behind her continued to fuck her. She was nearly at another orgasm now, her thighs trembled with anticipation. Just one or two more thrusts and she could cum again and be shrouded in blissful ecstasy.


Tenten moaned gently into the clone's mouth as she felt another slowly inserting himself into her wet pussy. She sighed and gasped as skilled hands found her breasts, each nipple dribbling a little milk. She felt so good, but her body just couldnt seem to move properly, and she felt as though all her muscles were only work at half power...Of course that hardly mattered to her addled mind at all.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 10-08-2009, 03:20 PM