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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Grace blushed beautifully, finding Hunter's words more than a little touching, especially because of their sincerity. But still she felt a pang of pain in her heart as he mentioned her perfection. She was not perfect, she was far from it, and that was why she needed Hunter, his protection, his loyalty, and his love. Without it...Grace would find herself as a perfect being in a world made to perfectly destroy her.

As Hunter kissed her, she timidly kissed back and allowed him entrance into her mouth, her own smaller tongue lightly dancing with Hunter's as he invaded the area past her soft pink lips. Grace's nearly naked body lay pinned beneath Hunter, and he would feel her soft skin on how own, and feel how his fur tickled her tummy, and soothed her with its warmth.


"We have no intentions of endangering your girls. Hunter has but one love, and he is willing to risk her to an extent in order to allow justice. Will you allow this man, Mike, the one who so tortured Grace, the girls he now holds against their will, and countless others continue his reign of horror? From what I have heard and...seen, he is a monster by all accounts. So again I ask you, truly, will you aid us in this?" Alexander waited and Silvia and Serenity watched from beneath the covers, cutely snuggling together as they watched. Serenity herself had an ability that, if enabled, could greatly aid in properly punishing Mike for what he had done, and was still doing. Even if she was not used at all, Alex himself was an asset, and he could easily be used against Mike. They didnt even have to technically defeat him, just get Flare and Ren away from him.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay - by Maero - 10-06-2009, 12:13 AM