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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Rangiku screamed as her clothes were ripped off but was surprised to find herself unharmed. She covered herself as best she could, Rangiku blushed and charged forward, hacking at Alex s hard as she could with one arm, suddenly realizing that he was the one who had kidnapped Orihime, and that he had even raped her!


(Stopped him from rubbing herself? leaned forward and kissed himself? Im confused as hell as to who is what and what they are doing! LOL)

Temari moaned softly as her breast was groped and her neck was kissed and licked and fell submissively to her back. " good..." She moaned softly, her eyes still glazed and unaware. She was drugged on pleasure, they might even be able to get her addicted to it if the clones tried skillfully enough.


Tenten moaned, the hands lightly running across her warm stomach felt good, and the other hands tracing over her sensitive places only added to that. And on top of it all was the milk, which was relaxing her muscles, replenishing her strength and making her mind hazy and docile with every delicious gulp.


Mike shook his head and told peach to dig in. He would wait for all the other girls to come out, and then he would go to attend to Sakura. He smiled as he watched Peach eat and one of his hands found its way under her bra and began playing with her breast. "Dont mind me princess." He said softly. "Master is just...enjoying himself.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 10-03-2009, 05:05 AM