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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
That caught Rangiku's attention. " do you know so much" She asked, trying hard to talk sober. With a sigh she popped out a soul candy and ate it, separating her form her soul form and making her sober as her soul candy person (I cant remember what you call them) walked around in drunken circles. "Who are you? How do you even know my name?" she asked seriously, her hands resting on Ash Cat's hilt. When Alex undoubtedly told her to fight him and find out she sighed and drew her sword, or rather pulled her sheathed sword out of her waist wrap and said "Fine, I'll try not to hurt you." and lunged forward, intending on ending the fight quickly but placing the sheathed blade at his throat and showing him he was no where near as fast as she was.


Tenten winced when she felt his dick rub against her, but that was nothing new by now. She cried whimpered softly and twitched each time her breasts were smacked, the painful treatment clearly effecting her but she had no strength left in her, and only her own will sustained her now. She cried out softly as her breasts became red from the smacking, tears gathering in her eyes and spilling over as she weakly used her right arm to try to shield her breasts from the abuse, but simply placing it back where it was would defeat her last defense. Tenten was helpless.


"Thank you my Peach..." He said as he licked her skin and continued to stimulate her until he was sure she was in the verge of orgasm. "How do you feel?" He asked her as his hands stopped, jut short of her climax. "Your so soft, like a Peach, and you even smell like one." He said as he licked the side of her face. "From now on you are my bed mate. You and Hinata. Do you understand?" He asked as his finger lightly touched around her clit, teasing her but giving her no release.


The wind blew across Timari's clit, and she came almost instantly. "Ahhhh!" She cried out as she arched her back as much as she could. She was so senstive that simply touching her was almost enough to make her cum. And so with each spank that they gave her, she came and screamed in pain and pleasure. "St-Stop that!" She yelled, trying to inch away as her ass was suddenly grabbed hard and she screamed again, cum three times rapid fire. She groaned and came again with the next slap and continued to have orgasm after orgasm as her ass was rubbed and squeezed. If they added more stimulation then she would be broken in no time....
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 09-30-2009, 09:14 AM