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Magical Bonds (An RP for Casey The Demon and Silver)
Name: Lilith and Demona
Age: unknown and unkown
Race: Demon
Gender: female
Description: Lilith Her more human magical form. Demona her more demonic looking shape changing form
History: Lilith was one of the most powerful demoness's in hell. She had been to the mortal plains several times in her existence leaving much carnage and death in her wake. That was before a hundred angels and a hundred sages combined the powers creating a powerful magical barrier around hell. The barrier didn't let powerful demons that were B class or higher through. But it did allow lesser demons to travel between the mortal plains and hell.

When Lilith found she could no longer travel freely she was started a cunning yet dangerous plan it would require all high level demons to work together to undo the barrier. She worked years on but to no avail since she couldn't hold the S level demons together long enough to get them to work together.

When she was about to give up all hope, a mortal sorceress seeking power summoned Lilith to the mortal plains bypassing the barrier all together in the process. The demoness made a pact with the mortal who summoned her. As the mortal amassed power so did the demoness till she was truly a S class demon. When Lilith gained enough power to stay on the mortal plains without the pact she killed the her mortal counter part in a grisly death.

Soon Lilith marched her army across the world and began to conquer the it. As her army conquered nation after nation, a small ten man party journeyed forth into the heart of her domain and challenged her face to face. The Demoness battled the valiant heroes who faced her.

Numair, was the leader of the small group, and Kase's great great grandfather. The mature fox cast circle after circle creating immense magical energies. The heroes knew they would never be able to defeat her so they cast a spell that would trap Lilith in Numair's pendent for all times.

As Lilith made her final blow she struck the pendent was instantly trapped within it walls.

Lilith had long since gone insane within the confines of her prison. Her mind created Demona a split personality that even had a different form than her own. The grand demoness was still in control of her own body at the moment. She felt her powers being tapped by the bearer of the necklace. She always enjoyed when the boy messed up and even knew what was actually causing him to loose control of his own magic. It was because Kase subconsciously was tapping into her power.

As she felt the drain on her magical energies, she could hear the same words that imprisoned her in the pendent and sent the young boy her magic to fuel the spell. So could see her prison cracking some as the boy chanted the same words that were etched on the pendant, she could see a small crack form in the wall of her prison. The demoness could feel that she was almost free. She couldn't wait for her triumphant return. But then the spell stopped and the released energy dissipated. She was so frustrated as she hits the wall where the cracks had formed and the cracks glowed brightly since the spell that was holding her was unraveling quickly.

The demoness continue to beat the wall of her prison sending her magic through the walls hoping to shatter the spell confining her. With one final hit the wall cracked open revealing a normal school dorm room. She stuck her hands through the opening making it wider. Lilith finally stepped through the opening, her body glistening with sweat, one could easily see her breasts since her white top was soaked.

Lilith was a bit disoriented as she stood there. She quickly got her bearings as she spotted Kase standing their, "I am free at last...," she said smiling like a psycopath. "Are you the one who freed me?” she asked . “Do you want power? I am willing to give it to you for a price. I don't want nothing much in return and it's nothing of importance," she said making it sound like his eternal soul wasn't worth much. A second later her body started to turn blue as her ears became pointed. Lilith focused her powers as the changed reversed itself and regained control.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

Messages In This Thread
RE: Magical Bonds (An RP for Casey The Demon and Silver) - by Casey the furry one - 09-26-2009, 03:21 PM