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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
(So? That was at the end, after she said it would happen. Also, come on, Alexander?)

Alexander did as commanded and rested. "We are exposed." He groaned after a few moments. "You must...take me to a safe place...If Casandra finds us...I wont be able to fight her...She sword." Alexander coughed hard but slowly rose to his feet. The champion, wounded as he was, was strong of body and will, he could walk with Hunter's help to a safe place.


Silvia blushed and mentally thanked him as Serenity considered his words. "I...I understand those are the basic rules but...what about my etiquette? Im a generally...what should I do and not do? I have been using mostly normal slave etiquette so far...would you like me to continue?" She asked, closing her eyes as she felt the kisses continue.

Master...normal slave etiquette for Serenity is terrible! She cant talk to other slaves unless its for a job or task, she cant sleep more than six hours, can not eat anything that isnt fed to her, cant look up unless it is needed for a job or task, cant stare anyone, even other slaves, directly in the eyes unless commanded to by her master, cant run or fly fast unless commanded to, cant drink anything other than water, cant speak unless spoken to, cant have free time, as in she has to find something to do or simply stand await orders, and she cant cry, laugh, frown or smile without direct permission!

Its horrible, and thats only a few master! She has been breaking them recently and feels so terrible about it that if part of the etiquette didnt say, Cant kill yourself without permission, she would have done it already just because of the few rules she has broken! Oh master, her poor head is a mess, and there are so many repressed memories in here...I dont think I have ever met someone that has endured as much as she has master. Make sure you tell her one of your rules is that you can not kill yourself or maim yourself, because as it is, once these mental shackles of etiquette come off, she might try killing herself...or at least slashing herself...her mind so damaged...what a poor creature.

Silvia's mental words were all true. Poor Serenity had been deprived all pleasure, fun, love, and good memories so much that every couple of years she simply repressed most of her memories so that she wouldnt kill herself, but she lived in a near constant state of depression. She was so damaged that even Silvia wasnt sure if she could ever be fixed.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay - by Maero - 09-25-2009, 05:02 AM