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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Alas, the scent was to weak to track accurately, and Hunter would be forced to look for his Champion. But then he may have finally noticed the other scent...the scent of Cassandra, the Brittinian queen. She was here as well, and she was a dangerous opponent.


Serenity slowly stood up and flinched as she was suddenly hugged by both Alex and Silvia. She gasped for a few moments before finally relaxing and returning the embrace. "Master....why are you so kind to me? I...I thought fairies were supposed to be treated like...fairies. Why are you so kind to me when no one else has ever been?" She asked softly, so confused and lost in the strange logic of kindness towards her kind.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay - by Maero - 09-23-2009, 05:13 AM