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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
As the day passed, D would start getting more and more looks, and strange amounts of respect. No one really picked on him that day, not nearly to the extent of what normal for him. Some people sat down near his lunch table, and although no one spoke to him, it was a far cry from the loneliness he was subject to normally. When he exited school, Arena was waiting for him in the pottery club, hands clean and smiling.

"D!" She said excitedly when she saw him. She ran up and hugged his arm rightly, smiling happily and snuggling into her spot on his arm. "D, we arent supposed to take clothes off right?" She asked curiously.


Silvia yawned as the her class came to an end. It was health education so it was girls only and she didnt like being far from Alex. As she left the room though, it was not Alex who greeted her outside. "Hello Silvia." said Peter as he looked down at her. Peter was one of her many ex-boyfriends, and one of the worst, though Silvia would never say that to anyone. Peter slept around with every girl he saw, he got drunk and violent all the time, had no respect for women, and when they were together, he would force Silvia into threesomes, foursomes, 'lend' her to friends for a few nights, and even blatantly whore her out to his other friends when he needed the money. She had been gang raped more than once with him involved, and often responsible.

Peter was also one of the guys who Alex had yet to punish, simply because Silvia wouldnt say anything about anyone she used to be with. She was to gentle and didnt like revenge, even for herself. And so Alex could only punish those that blatantly did things to her out in the open or who harassed her while she was his girlfriend.

Silvia flinched instinctively and smiled timidly up at Peter. "I...Um, hello Peter." She said nervously, trying to get around him. She swallowed when she noticed his obvious efforts to keep her from going anywhere. "Wait up babe, I have good news." He said with a cocky smile. "Im willing to take you back, so you dont have to hang out with that creep dead beat any more. So what do you say, want to be part of my team again?"

Silvia felt a lump develop in her throat and it nearly choked her. "B-But Alex...and...but..." She stuttered. "Dont worry about him, he cant do anything if you dump him, come on, lets go to my house, I can show you the tape of out last game." He said, grabbing her by the shoulder. Silvia tried to resist, tried to show that she didnt want to go, but Silvia was a small girl, and Peter was a huge football player, he didnt even notice and basically started dragging her. "Dont worry babe, I dont hold any grudges." He said as Silvia tried to politely excuse herself from him. "P-Please P-P-Peter, I dont...I cant..." she tried to say but was completely ignored.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 07-30-2009, 03:00 PM
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 09-09-2009, 07:48 AM