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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
As Alex listened to his heart beat, and his mind aligned with it, he could begin to feel every action in his body. His breathing as it slowed down, his heart as it beat, his blood as it flowed through him, replenishing him. He could even feel his muscles, tingling with exercise and energy as blood flowed into them, making them stronger and larger, if only by a few mili inches. and his mind last track of time, and eternity of peace passed and there was only calm. The work out released natural endorphins into his brain, when caused the feeling of supreme calm and even pleasure. Combined with his meditation, it allowed his mind to reach a level of peace he could only have experienced while dreaming.

And then, all to soon, it was over. "Everyone up, meditation is over." Alexander said calmly, and the calls began to rise to their feet. D's world came back, not in a flash, but slowly as his mind was moved back the present times. "Now we get to what you all came here for." Alexandr said, taking his place in the front. "Kick boxing!" He showed them the basic stance, and some basic punches. "No kicks today, first you learn to box." He said. He came over to Alex and adjusted his stance a bit. "You want your rib cage covered so keep your arms in tight, and when you punch, dont pull back, it gives you away and slows you done. You dont want them to see it coming."

After a half hour of practicing the actual martial art, the class ended. "Good work everyone, I expect you all back here tomorrow at the same time." He took at towel and wiped his head before looking at D. "Good job by the way. Keep this up and no one will want to mess with you ever again. And, no one will have the right to be jealous of you if your fit and dangerous. Oh and get ready, the first week is the hardest, tomorrow your going to feel this work out." He patted D on the shoulder and then turned around, heading for the showers.

Aurora came up and hugged D hard. "Wow! Your so good D! You didnt give as much as some of the big people!" She cheerfully, hugging his arm tightly.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 07-30-2009, 03:00 PM
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 09-03-2009, 09:52 AM