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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
Alexander grinned and shook his head. "I think our second session will make it easier for you to cleanse your thoughts. Stand, we are starting our warm up. After that we will have our second meditation." As he said this everyone stood and got ready. Although Alexander said warm up, and one who knew him or his class knew that warm up meant pain, lots of it, and none of it from punches.

"All right, everyone ready?" He asked the class. "Yes Sensai!" the responded. "We are going to take it a little easier this time around for some of our new members. Twenty spider push ups, ten on each leg! Go!" Everyone dropped and started doing as instructed, some getting all the way to ten on each side while most came up short. D would normally be among those first to fall, but half the reason Alexander allowed Aurora to watch was so D would be pushed like never before. Could he really come up short with her watching him? Could he let so many other pass him up? Maybe, but Alexander was sure he would try earnestly to do his very best with his girlfriend watching.

"OK, ten second rest!" He declared. Those ten seconds pass far to quickly. "OK, everyone, lay flat on your back. when I so go, lift your legs five inches off the ground and hold. Ready?" Another YES SENSAI, followed and he yelled "Go!" And the real pain began. Although Spider man push ups were hard, at least moving allowed you to distract yourself. With just the pain on your abs from supporting your legs weight, and no movement to distract you, the burning was worse than before. And what was worse, Alexandr waited until half the class had dropped until he called for a ten second rest. If D made it with half the class was up to his determination.

Things continued like this for half an hour more. Long, painful stretches, grueling form of exercise and short little rests. By the end of it, D and more than half the people in the room would be in tons of pain and utterly exhausted, but ,for those who stuck it through as much as they could, they would feel a sense accomplishment and wore their pain as a sort of badge of honor. Even more so, as Alexander allowed them to sit on the mat and rest, their sore bodies would feel twice as alive and the pain would fade in only a little while, though the fatigue would be much much more stubborn.


(Aurora my love?

Silvia: Gasp* Your cheating on me!?)

Silvia moaned loudly and rocked her hips against his, wanting to feel every second of their time together. "Ohh...Alex....I love you...Make me yours..." She begged softly, wanting to be his, to belong to Alex so that he would know that she loved him more than anything. Silvia'e sweet, pure voice filled the room with her moans and as her orgasm built up she couldnt help but reach up and kiss Alex as her final moments neared. She wanted this to be perfect, and she hoped Alex did to.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 07-30-2009, 03:00 PM
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 09-02-2009, 11:09 PM