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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Mike clapped his hands. "Very very good. It all fits perfectly I trust?" He smiled at Hinata and said "Very very sexy, if you keep that up, you wont make it to the party before I have to have a taste." He looked over all his slaves and said "Rukia, you can take that if you want to, Im good either way. In any case, all of you, you are not to ruin these dresses OK? And behave, I cant stress that enough." He

Walked over to them and as he walked past Sakura he stopped to rub her stomach. "You are so cute when your preganant Sakura." He said fondly before moving on. "You may all relax here until the party starts. Just do not mess up those dresses! I will be back in a little bit to get you." And with that he left them.


Hinata nodded a little and said "If you will help me master, then Im sure I can make it there." Time was starting to run out, Alex would not have time to wash each one himself, besides, only Hinata knew about the party. He could speed up time to allow the other enough time to wake up , but real time was ticking, and would not wait for anyone.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 09-02-2009, 05:40 AM