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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
The two of them were very very busy that period, checking with the three clubs they had chosen. First was painting, which had gone of relatively well. Aurora was not overly talented, but she could learn with practice, at least that was what the very handsome Captain said when he saw her art. Charles Defont, a lady killer if ever their was one.

His waist length raven hair, flawless skin, gorgeous green eyes, clean shaven face and toned yet slim body made him seem more like a model then a painter. But no one could deny his talent, which was surpassed only by his love of chasing beautiful women, who usually didnt resist the chase at all. He had taken special interest in Aurora, offering to pay for her entry if she would allow him to use her as the subject of some of his works of art.

Aurora had been thrilled, completely ignoring all the subtle hints he threw her way, being far to naive to notice them. This seemed to only make Charles even more determined to do the obvious, perhaps seeing her as the first challenge he had ever truly faced since she clearly was not responding to him. D would have no problem leaving Aurora here, and Charles, despite his ways, was protective of women and had many girls (actually almost all girls) in his club so she would not be hounded by any guys. It was great if D could over look the obviously more handsome and debonair artist trying to win Aurora's heart.

Next was Clay molding, which was also run by a guy. His name was Fredrick Tossle, a British transfer student who the women just ate up. He was not particularly handsome, certainly not made of the same stuff Charles was, but he was good looking on his own right. His blue eyes suited his short brown hair strangely well and his broad figure didnt seem as brutish as it should have. Mostly though, the whole attraction came from him being foreign. Luckily, Aurora only found the way he spoke funny.

He did not have eyes for Aurora like Charles had, since he already had a girlfriend at he moment, but that didnt mean he didnt have eyes for her. What boy didnt have eyes for her? His club was fairly mixed, with a good share of boys and girls as well. He had Aurora try a little clay molding for him and found that her hands were uncommonly steady and that would help her greatly with detail. He didnt offer a special for her, but he did let her keep her little clay version of D that she made. He even glossed and fired it for her so that it would be water proof and not as easy to break. The funny little doll like clay molding went right into her pocket, where she constantly kept her hand.

Lastly was choir, which was almost all women, even the couch was a girl. Lilith Mansa, or Lil for short. She was luckily no lesbo, and when she tested Aurora's voice she found that it was surprisingly good, almost to good and when Aurora said she had never done it before she waved it away like a white lie. "You voice is way to good for you to be a novice, you almost have an angelic hint to it." She said. Everything was nearly set, there was just one problem. She hated D.

It was not clear why she did, or when she started hating D, but she hated him, and was very outspoken about that. What that could mean for Aurora, D's only friend, may be dire, but not as dire as what it meant to Lil from Aurora. If Lil hated D, then Aurora hated Lil and it took all D's abilities to just keep a spot on the choir open for her.

Now out of option and with the period coming close to its finish, D had to choose or skip another class. Just as they were heading away from the choir however, Alexander appeared before them. It was unsettling how one as big as he could walk so softly. He was reading his book still when he stopped them with an upraised hand and reached into his pocket. Aurora grew stiff, trying to remember if he was one of the good ones or bad ones. "Here." He said, handing D a card. It was a card for his kickboxing class. "Free of charge." He added as he closed his book to look at them. "And dont worry, even if there are no girls currently attending, we do have girl's locker room, and showers for her." He stated. Aurora looked at D, not knowing if she should speak or not.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 07-30-2009, 03:00 PM
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 09-01-2009, 07:07 AM