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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
(lol, huge posts of epic are making my mind as sloshed up as Sakura's)

Mike smiled and nodded to Ino. "Oh yes, many many more times if you wish, but I need you to behave and obey me, if not then you get nothing." He turned around and snapped his fingers and all the locks and restraints that held them came undone, like the stirrups, and the bondage gear that covered Rukia and Hinata. "All of you, line up before me." He ordered, stepping back to give them room. "Ino, help Sakura, she is a bit pregnant as you can tell so she will need you to help her up." He then looked at Rukia and Hinata and tapped his foot. "Hurry up ladies, we dont have much time." He said to get them on their toes.


Tent growled and spat. "Damn it!" she cursed, still weak from the blood loss. She wiggled her naked body over so she could see Alex and scowled. "So what? Is it my turn?" she asked defiantly. She had heard Ino all the way down the hall, as far as she knew, he had killed her, what else could make her scream so loudly?

Alex, I dont mind presenting you as my sponsor, thats half the reason I want you hear. If you were my lacky then that would mean that only you were testing this out and that would suck for me. I would suggest you prepare for that party, you will be one of the hosts if you come. Just please please dont bring any unstable or untrained bitches into my party, I will not enjoy sending you all back. If it looks like they will be a problem, then please dont bring them unless you want to show off some bondage gear. Deal?
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 08-31-2009, 03:50 PM