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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
"OK." Aurora whispered. They hardly got five feet through the gate when the first problem appeared. Nick Roberts and his cohorts. Nick and his friends were all sports team super stars. All of them large, not one under six feet, muscular, handsome and mostly meat headed. It was not really a surprise that they showed up first, given their almost primal sense of a female presence.

Nick himself was tall, blond and blue eyes, the captain of the soccer team and basketball favorite. With him were five of his sports buddies, or rather just those who got categorized with him, the most notable of which were Rasky Lang, Peter Masho and Alexander Saxon.

Rasky was the leader of the Kendo club and always kept a Kendo stick nearby, one currently holstered on his belt. He was a Chinese Japanese mix, which was easy to see by his slanted yello eyes and straight black hair, which he kept in a pony tail. Although he was part Japanese he was not as small as his ancestors, where they stood five feet tall he now stood six feet two inches. Although he could be a huge dick at times, his respect for his art and his heritage kept him mostly honorable, which was to say that he did not go out of his way to torture D like most others.

Peter Masho was another story. As the quarter back for football team and the main guru frat king, he took time out of his day just to torture kids like D. Every stereotypical bullying gag around had been done at least once by his hands. His shiny, loose blond hair and brown eyes seemed to always be in perfect condition, even at parties, where his hair was always right and his eyes always shining, it drove women mad for him. His height was six feet even, but his bulk made up for that easily.

The last and perhaps most notable was Alexander Saxon. He was the captain of the Kickboxing club, the Jujitsu club, and the fencing club. His physic was not quite lean and not quite bulky, enough of each to tell you that not only could he catch you if you ran, but kill you if he did. His unusual red eyes and long black hair caught allot of attention at the school, as did his height of six feet six inches. Strangely enough, he was one of the few he had never actually attacked or made fun of D. He was far from a friend of course, since he never did stand up for him, but at least he was not an enemy. And it was a good thing to. Although most women thought he was drop dead gorgeous, most were kept at bay by his glare, which could easily freeze the blood in your veins. It was a glare he shot anyone he either didnt like or when he didnt want to be bothered. He did not like to be bothered, and no one liked to bother him, and even though he seemed to hang out with Rick and his group, all he ever seemed to do was walk around behind them and read a book, and today was no exception. In his hands he had a history book marked "The Rise and fall of the Angelo kingdoms."

Luckily, he was not looking up, and he had never shot D his glare, though D had never really approached him before.

"So D, are you ready for another awesome year of school?" Rick asked, slinging his arm over his shoulder and roughing up his hair a bit. D was an obvious target for Rick and his boys. Weak, withdrawn, and with no other friends, picking on him was almost too easy. At least they were not as bad as other, because despite their strength and love of using it, they were usually busy with either training, games, tournaments or going to parties D was not invited to.

Whether D answered or not hardly mattered to Rick however since he was not the reason he had come over. "And who is your friend?" He asked in a much more interested voice. Even though Aurora was holding his hand, he never once thought that such an incredibly beautiful girl could be anything more than his cousin who he was helping to school, because a girl friend was not something people like D ever had.

"Ya who is she?" Some pf the others said, some whistling a little, other just staring at her, mentally licking their lips. They couldnt wait to see her drunk at a party. All this attention made Aurora uncomfortable and she squeezed D's hand, not understanding the situation.

Now all eyes were on them, even Alexander had looked up from his book, though his gaze showed nothing other than passive interest.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 07-30-2009, 03:00 PM
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 08-31-2009, 03:41 PM