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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"Good." Mike said cupping her chin and kissing her nose. "Go prepare her." Hr ordered. "And be gentle, she is my slave now." And with that Mike left, still holding the peach. The Minions then took Peach down stares to a room she had never seen before. It was like her old room, pink, soft They gave her the dress and shut the door, locking it. On the bed there was a letter.

Dear Peach

Please get some rest and drink up, there is some water in the room as well as a bathroom. Make yourself pretty and put on that dress I gave you and then await me. Dont fail your master now.

With much love, The Master.

The dress was on a chair no far away and the water was on a desk next to it. It was cold and pure, and the room was just the right temperature. But there was no food, not yet at least.

Meanwhile, Mike returned to the other girls. "How are all my sluts doing?" He asked as he entered the room in that very same castle that he kept all his slaves. Time had been slowed down for them so that they were not left like that for seven hours, but still three hours had gone by.

By now Ino would have laid her last egg and her stomach would have gone back to normal, though she would still be chained to the stirrups on the bed. Sakura would have laid her last egg for the day, but her stomach stayed the same and she would start laying eggs at the same time tomorrow.

Rukia and Hinata would still be in the same position they were left with, though the cocks had mercifully stopped fucking them after the second hour.

"I hope you are all feeling well rested, since we are going to a party soon!" He said with some excitement, not expecting it see the same effect on them and hardly caring.


Hinata was still asleep on the top of the bed, breathing softly. She had already been subject to allot so her mind would recover more easily than Ino's but if nothing else, she needed the rest. Even when Alex had left before she had not been able to rest due to the harassment from his clones, and so now was the only time she was actually getting any kind of sleep. She looked peaceful as she lay there, if not a bit cold and sweaty. All his slaves would a need baths soon, all but Tenten, who was still relativity clean except for the stains of her own blood.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 08-31-2009, 09:49 AM