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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
Silvia shuddered and moaned softly, her body was on fire, tender flames of pleasure licking her flesh and bringing her to a level of ecstasy that was generally unknown to her people. She blushed a little at the things Casey said and wondered why. Nakedness was hardly an offense to her kind, in fact she often fought naked while in her feral form, particularly when she was fighting one on one. But now her body had taken on another, more sinful meaning. So much pleasure, so much peace, it was like a weakness, one she could not allow another to exploit. Anyone, anyone but Casey. Her tail gently wrapped around his leg and she gasped as he began to make circles around her sensitive bulb.

"I-I will do as you wish." She said softly. "When you wish to, you can take me as completely as you wish..." She still found it so strange that he offered her choice. Although the Jinkari relationship was not meant to be something like master and slave, it was supposed to be like commander and subordinate, each holding a measure of respect for each other but knowing their place. She respected her Jinkari for being strong enough to defeat her, and her Jinkari would usually respect her as the object of his desire. Although it was the Jinkari's duty to protect and provide as the dominant, it was the job of the lesser mate to offer everything to their Jinkari and obey every word to the letter in exchange for their strength, protection and as an act of duty.

She could tell Casey was enjoy this, maybe almost as much as she was, so it perplexed her when he would not simply order her to do things. She had to choose to, but how could she? Was it an order? Was he expressing some alien trait? Did he want her to, or was he just following what he had been taught all his life? These questions mattered, Silvia was a princess, she was supposed to be either a dominant Jinkari or a perfect mate, it was expected of her, of her birth right, of her station.

Suddenly Casey's finger entered her and she arched her back a little. She presence of something within her felt so good, she didnt know how she had not discovered this before. She wanted him to go deeper and thrust her hips a little to encourage him. "If you take me..." She said softly. "I will...ahhh...I will be preganant...." Her people were notoriously adaptive and fertile, it is how her race was able to breed with so many other races. Of course, her genes would be dominant and often the child nearly always came out fully draconic, showing few or no characteristics of the partner race.But the main point she had tried to make was that for her people it only took one time to do the deed. Even a single sperm cell could, in essence, impregnate her.

Her skin grew warm with passion and soft as she dropped all her normal mental barriers, allowing her to revert full into her humanoid form, which was something that her race nearly never did. In her completely humanoid form, her skin became very very soft and sensitive, as it would be beneath scales. Like smooth velvet, her was warm and pleasurably to touch, and is part of the reason that some of their major rivals prized their humanoid pelts. But of course, that trade never grew since her people were anything but easy to kill.

Still, right now Casey would be cuddling with something that most galactic overlords would pay planets for. The living, warm and willing flesh of a fully subdued Draconic. Silvia, who fought so hard, had particularly softer skin. this was because of her ears of fighting, and keeping her scales fully deployed over her skin. Casey would be considered a lucky man to just see this happen, and yet here he was, involved in it.

This affected Silvia as well. As her skin became what it truly was, it became much more sensitive. She could feel every stroke on her body, every breath on her face and shoulder, every fabric on the bed she laid on. In her current state it was like ecstasy, and where it normally would have been felt like feeling the skin under a nail, it felt as though her whole body was in pleasure.

She shuddered and looked up at Casey with wanting eyes. She was, for the first time in her life, vulnerable, and willingly so. She wanted Casey to do what he wanted with her, to take her to a level of pleasure she had never felt before, and as he soft warm flesh pressed against him, she could only hope that Casey would want the same.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Maero - 08-29-2009, 04:23 AM