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Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me)
Just at the entrance of the temple, the air rippled within the borders of entrance's large opening, as if it were the surface of a calm river disturbed by rain. A split second later, the semi-transparent ripples turned blood red, then imploded in a splash of blood. Blood gushed down the temple steps, flowing through the cracks in the stone like arteries. There was a guttural roar of anguish, and a figure clad in a dark leather cloak straightened up from a crouched position, dripping blood like it had just swam through it.

"God damn you Count... damn you..." The figure murmured to itself dangerously, straightening its corsair's hat as it turned left, then right, scouting the area. The blood flowing down the the stairs flowed back up toward the figure, and a few moments later, all the blood had disappeared from the temple like it had not been spilled at all. "Oh dear, where could I be now?" The figure said out loud, sounding much more lighthearted and casual, genuinely curious about his surroundings. "Some temple or altar of some sort. Oh well, this is an absolutely splendid chance for me to brush up on- oh my." He chuckled as a woman came out literally nowhere, hazing into view, scantily clad, holding him in an arm-lock with a razor-sharp blade against his throat.

"Who are you?" Katana asked dangerously, the edge of her blade cutting into the cloaked figure's throat, threatening to snap his arm.

"Dear oh dear, I was wondering when you'd turn up." The cloaked man laughed lightly, unfazed by the strain she put on his arm. His accent was European, just not distinct enough to identify. "It was quite exquisite, the way you stalked me... no sound at all. It was as if your heart had stopped beating and pumping blood through your veins at all! However, you cannot hide the stench of blood on you. But I digress; I am Baron Xerverius Valeriu-"

Katana's eyes narrowed. She had no idea how he did it, but he was suddenly behind her, one of his long claws pressing against her jugular. How had he gotten behind her? She still had him in an arm lock in front of him! As if to answer her question, the Xerverius she had in an arm lock dispersed into wispy black smoke.

The remaining Xerverius took his claws away from her jugular, did a pirouette so he was in front of her again, and bowed flamboyantly. "-At your service."

"Well, Baron..." Katana straightened up, sheathing her kodachi fluidly. "What's an aristocrat doing loitering around dirty old ruins like this one?" She asked him coldly.

"I can answer that!" The Baron chided in cheerfully. "I got lost!"

Was this guy for real? He got lost? He wasn't lying, she could tell. His heartbeats didn't miss a single beat. He definitely wasn't harmless, but if he wanted to kill her, he would've done it when he had those claws- claws? -against her jugular. She decided she'd keep watch on him while waiting for the companions she was paid to work with.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - by Frisk E. Coyote - 08-08-2009, 05:30 PM