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Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me)
"So, it seems we're not the first pair to arrive."

A stocky, snow-haired male in all white clothes stood a few dozen feet over the area where the temple lay. He pulled up his black and silver laced gloves a little higher on his hands, checking the rather large looking pistol on his hip; His custom ARM.

The barrel was roughly the length of his forearm, and about as thick as a solid iron bar. The grip was formed to fit his hand perfectly, and the trigger guard covered his knuckles. On the side of the barrel was his signature, in big fancy scrawl. He had an identical one inside his jacket, just in case the first was damage or broken. Standing up straight, he looked to his 'partner' and said, "C'mon, let's get going."

"Already, but we just got here!" The female Drake whined, stretching with her tight leather outfit on. Her scales were a light green, and her hair a fiery red. Her sword hilt stuck up over her left shoulder, her blade gleaming in the sunlight. Even though she had been in combat, and trained for it, she still acted like a little child sometimes.

Liam ignored her whine. "Either we get there before them, or we lose a big boost to our power." He could control the basic elements, but he was looking to expand on his arsenal of elements.

"But we've been walking for days! My feet hurt and I smell."

"Then go toss yourself in a river. Or better, off a cliff into a river."

"You're mean! Why'd I team up with you again?"

"Because I paid your bar tab. Now let's go." He was firm with 'go', indicating that this argument was over, and the female Drake reluctantly fell in step beside the male.
An intelligent, rational person will never win an argument against an idiot. Stupidity will always have you outgunned and outmanned. -Mech

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RE: Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - by Amonkoudo - 08-08-2009, 04:49 PM