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Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me)

Name: Liam
Age: Unknown but appears around 20
Class: ARMs user
Special: Elemental shots, Double Shot
Race: Human
Bio: Liam has come from a long line of Blacksmiths and Crafters, in a village deep within a mountain, and can make his own ARMs given the right materials, as well as his own special type of ammo. Given that he's been isolated from the rest of the world due to his training, he comes off as callous, cold and rude. But his skill with making items is unparalleled as is his skill with using them.

Name: Faia
Age: A woman never gives her age
Class: Swordswoman
Special: Fire Blade, Berserk
Race: Drake
Bio: Faia is one of the few surviving Drake's on the planet, and has chosen to fight along side the other souls trying to rid the world of the coming evil. These scaly creatures of legend fought along side the Elw during the battle of the Metal Demons and went into hiding afterwards, lest their secrets be discovered by humans.

Faia is a descendant of the original clan of Drakes that were there to fight the Metal Demons. She was raised with the techniques of the warriors that had fallen before her, and while she's only an amateur swordsman now, she has great potential to become very powerful. She's usually very stern, and very wise, but has a weakness for alcohol. And too much will send her into a Berserk state, smashing and burning anything in her way. The stronger the beverage, the stronger she becomes and the hotter things burn.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Wild Arms the RP (Private for Wolven, Amonkou, and me) - by Amonkoudo - 08-07-2009, 03:28 PM