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Crossed Over (Private RP) (DamienCreater and Mian)
Mian followed his dad up to the house, then they parted ways as his dad headed for his study, while Mian walked up the stairs to his bedroom, showing Mark the way. As the boy pushed open his bedroom door, he threw off his own top, and kicked off his jeans.

'I stayed at a friend's house last night, and didn't take a change of clothes with me.' Mian explained, 'that's why we were driving past, daddy came to pick me up.'

Mian wore tight white briefs, which he threw off too, not seeming to care about the fact that Mark was present. He opened his closet, rummaging around inside.

'So what kinda stuff do you like weaing? I gotta whole bunch of clothes!'

all i ever wanted was the world.


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RE: Crossed Over (Private RP) (DamienCreater and Mian) - by Mai - 08-07-2009, 05:19 AM