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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
"Well, if you have the drive for it then I dont see why I can not teach you. Come to me tomorrow, I will show you the ways of combat. And do not worry, I know enough about how a Guyver works to teach you how to use one. Now go, sleep, and bring Silvia sweet dreams." Graklen said with a smile before shutting the door. Cale bowed once more and smiled. "OK, I got to go, but do try not to insult Silvia anymore, and try to keep your head where it is, on your shoulders. Do you need me to lead you back?"


Silvia sighed and waved as Debbie left. She then took off her extra robe so she was just in the one that was split down the middle and entered the bed, tucking herself in tightly as she tried to shut out the thoughts of the day. She looked down at her robe and sighed, her sister had told her that not once in their entire line had a mate ever rejected them when they split their robe as such down the middle. She attributed it to Casey's strange human ways and to the fact that Silvia was the youngest daughter in her family, so her body could not possibly be as attractive as that of her sisters...
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Maero - 08-04-2009, 01:54 PM