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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
"Yeah I will take you up on the training offer," Casey sighs some realizing for ever step forward their would be just as many step backs. "You know it is just great now it is not enough that I learn to fight I got to fight with passion," he grumbled some. "When I was younger I used to do street fights but for fun but those were dangerous and had no rules. Then I learned Karate and meditation to help learn how and when to fight. Yet that is only a defensive from of combat using your opponents strength against them," he sighed heavily since he was now depressed just about in the same way Debbie had on so many she was down about something.

"I get to travel to other planets, and have a beautiful mate that is drop dead sexy. Other than that I got the worst luck, I become something I didn't want a Jinkari I guess that means superior mate? Everyone pretty much dislikes me, because I am human. Third I got a gut feeling that if we go to the creator home world I am going to die," he said even though the last part was just a gut feeling he wasn't to far from the truth. "So frankly I don't feel lucky or anything and just feel lonely wiht a mate who isn't trying t understand me," he explained.
Debbie sighed and decided to clue the princes into something, "Have you even wondered why the Creator's decided to give you the full amount of money after they realized that that suit has been activated? She with a very serious tone wanting the princess come to realized that there was something the creator's were telling her.

"Now back on subject that you got to teach him that dance of passion. I had to learn that dance as well to win my Cale's hand. In Casey's eyes the guyver is just a suit of armor to him he will only fight you as a human. So all I really did was help level the playing field by awakening his Zoalard from which would be about as strong as your Feral I think. Now one last thing it will be about five to six weeks before the change will be complete that I started," she explained and hoped that it would be about five weeks which will coincide with the arrival at Cronos the creator's home world.

Debbie smiled and giggled some cutely imagining the Jankair being passionate with her words and romantic actions as the bunny would see them. "Your going to have to learn to be romantic if want him to feel much more passionate about you. Being romantic can be as simple as smiling when the Jinkari is feeling down. Or you could make or buy him a gift to show your affection like a book on some planet's history or something he would enjoy. Oh also don't bow down ot him he likes the fact your powerful warrior it scares as much as it turns him on, so one night you could push him back into the bed and tell him your going to fuck him. He would be more than willing to let you have his way with him," the bunny giggled again since Cale could be the same way at times.

"Well it is really late now better let you both let you both go on to sleep now," she stated stood up. She sent out her thoughts to her mate. "Cale wrap things up we need to let the two love bird be for the night I think we helped them all we can at the moment besides I want you."
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Casey the furry one - 08-01-2009, 11:58 PM