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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
"Friends? Beach? Are you on drugs? Cale asked him with a laugh. "The Closest thing to a beach we go to is the red tides of blood we incur during war. Our friends are battle brothers and sisters, we are a warrior people. Growth can only be attained through conflict, relationships can only develop through combat, and our civilization is maintained only by our sense of duty. Your looking for a Silvia that does not exist, at least not in the sense your thinking." Cale shook his head and sighed.

"How do I explain it to an outsider...Our duty is so important because without it we would have gone extinct from infighting and disorder, we hold it as our only connection to sanity, otherwise we would never have progressed passed spears and swords. So to Silvia, this is how she stays a sentient being and not just a monster. But at the same time you have to understand that to gain her affection, you must at least be a warrior of normal status and of valor, one capable of expressing his feelings and emotions through conflict and battle, growing, learning and becoming more as you fight. Words will get you very little in this, and ignorance may kill you. There is no choice, if you want Silvia to think fondly of you in anyway, then you are going to have to fight with her, daily, and be able to last long enough to communicate through your struggle."

He stopped and looked at Casey. "Do you understand? Right now it is only our duty that is keeping you alive, dont try to make Silvia discard that, at least not before she likes you, or you will die."


Silvia looked at Debbie for a long time and then laughed. "What are you talking about? I am me all the time! The Silvia he wants to see is one he will never touch because he is no warrior. Even though we can exchange words, we can not communicate. Everything he says is so...dispassionate, so cold, like he has no convictions at all. Its like lugging around a talking cardboard cut out of a sentient creature."

She sighed and looked down. "I know he is probably being serious about what he says, but I just cant understand him, he is to alien. He talks so much and never shows any passion, he just makes noise and noise and trouble for me. How can I live with someone who I cant even fight with? He beat me...but it was like being beaten by a robot, no passion or feeling, simply targeting threats and neutralizing them. Sure the Guyver itself was a beautiful tool of war, but thats just it. Its no more passionate then a sword or a lascannon."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Maero - 07-31-2009, 04:26 AM