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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
"You don't know what a bath is? Guess I should have seen that coming," Alex sighed, keeping his gaze off of her. He slowly took her hand and led her to the bathroom, keeping his eyes front and not on her body. He led her through a door and moved the drapes and showed her the shower. "Bath. Bath cleans you," he said, speaking slowly, as though he was addressing a child...A naked child...A naked child with angel wings....A naked child with angel wings and tits the sized of his head.

"On," he said, and pulled a lever on the wall, making water shoot out of the showerhead. "Off," he said, and pushed down on it. "Cold," he said, and turned it on again and moved it to the right. "Hot," he said, and moved it to the left. "Go in. Get clean," he said, and picked up a bar of soap. "Uhh....Rub on body," he explained, and pretended he was taking a shower, rubbing the bar of soap over his shirtless body. "Understand?"

Please don't tell me she doesn't know how to use the toilet! Alex's mind cried out.

Messages In This Thread
(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 07-30-2009, 03:00 PM
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by MasterZero - 07-30-2009, 06:04 PM