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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
Silvia felt a cold spike drive through her spine as Casey turned around. "Y-Y-You...You..." She grit her teeth as the icy chill became a fire, and the slowly died in despair at her inability to do anything. It was not Casey's words that had so offended her, but his actions. Not only had he still shamed her by not taking her when his body clearly craved her, but he turned his back on her! On purpose! In bed! To her people there were few bodily insult greater than this.

Turning your back on someone meant that they were weak, sniveling, defeated, not a threat, not an ally, not even an enemy, just nothing. Such an action had been done to Casey countless times in the ship by the crew, though he probably did not notice, but for him to do it to Silvia was almost unthinkable. Silvia hugged herself and said nothing, nothing at all. She withdrew from him entirely and decided not to advise him as he should. It was the Jinkari's direct order. Silvia would not help him, she would not take care of him, she would do only as ordered, and that would be as far as their relationship would go.

This she vowed in her head as she shut her eyes, still hugging herself. She almost laughed when she thought his words over. Like love had anything to do with why she was almost naked and in bed with him. Like she held any real feelings for such a weakling. She had to fight herself to keep from wrecking horrible vengeance on his back and forced her sharpening teeth to unclench. Closing her eyes she revowed everything and tried to go to sleep.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Maero - 07-30-2009, 11:07 AM