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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
Silvia had to stop from frowning. "Not to be disrespectful to my Jinkari but...does it matter?" she asked. "You are the dominant in this relationship, my opinion values very very little. Do you not find me attractive? If this is so then I can arrange to move from your quarters. If my race disgusts you in anyway, then I will give orders for us to cover up our scales and wings until you reach my home planet." She was being quite truthful. She knew she was different from humans and also that other species perceptions of attractiveness differed greatly from their own.

Also, she did not want to answer his question, because she knew it would only bring up more of his ridiculous ramblings about her not being herself and such. She was the princess of a mighty warrior race of draconics. She had millions of suitors on her own planet and had rejected them all. She respected strength and freedom and wanted to marry much later in her long long life and wanted to bear the children of a legendary warrior. Instead she got Casey. Needless to say, the answer would not be to his liking.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Maero - 07-29-2009, 05:58 PM