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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
Casey got up when Silva did and glared at her and shook his head at her wanting to scream and bitch at her for acting like the princess when he just wanted her to be herself. Yet figured that would put more strain on their relationship at the moment so he held tongue. After moment of strained silence he spoke up, "Okay do what you need to and I will see what I can learn about your people maybe it will said some light on why your a just a warrior princess," he grumbled as he clenched his fists.

When his mate left the room he got to work. He sat down at he console and looked at the screen as it light just as he expected the keyboard was in their language; but what he didn't expect was for the characters on the keyboard to have similar character as what the Chinese use. The young man was more than intrigued about the idea of the original emperors being descendants of dragons and wondered of Silvia's people could have visited the Chinese people thousands of years ago. But he didn't feel like trying to find Silvia to help him with learning about her civilization more at the moment. After about an hour of trying to make sense of the words that were on the screen he gave up he only had a vague idea of what they could possibly mean and even he was sure he was incorrect.

After a while he got up and walked around the room and decided to he should go to the gym or sparing room that was on the ship. He needed to get into fighting shape for Silvia so she could be honored to have someone like him as her mate since he was just a lowly human. He walked out of the room and found a young child that looked about twelve or so, "Could you show me to the training, or sparing room is?" he asked as he throw a few punches to the side to example of what he wanted to do. He wasn't sure how long he had to be around one of them for them to learn his language.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Casey the furry one - 07-19-2009, 06:37 AM