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Diablo II (private for me and Crimson Fox)
Next to a open butchers market there were hanging five chicken tied and tousled ready to be cooked. Casey trembled in fear as he stepped back nervously when the wolfed walked towards him. He stated to build up mystical energies around his body to such it state where one could almost see the magical energies.

"You're going to be sent back to hell now demonic priest," the wolf growled as he wolf started towards him his holy scepter held high ready to smite the young acolyte.

He started to hyperventilate, his subconscious mind raced to find a way to use the energy he had built up. The energy soon found its way to the five hanging chickens as he breathed in the chickens would shrink some and breath the chuckles would enlarge more and more each time. After a moment a chicken exploded, then another and the last three all with a sickening pop in a large gory mess of bones and poultry meat going every on just about everyone in the general area. then the young whelp gulped as the Paladin was knocked out. The young acolyte turned around and ran for it as he ran down the street and turned the corner where the assassin was on.
Diane hugged her old rival in a warm embrace. "Yes I did and we four a going to be traveling I believe we are to set out to rid the land of the prime evils, and cleanse it in the process.," she stated with a warm smile. "I wouldn't mind if you wanted to share a tent like we did so long ago you know?" she blushed some since they explored each other body that one time. "But do realize it will only be for one night only...,' the druid trailed off not wanting to let her friend know that the young necromancer was going to try and when her during their travels.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: Diablo II (private for me and Crimson Fox) - by Casey the furry one - 07-17-2009, 07:35 AM