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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
She shook her head. "Not entirely. In my society the strong rule. If someone sees a mate they desire they must best them in one on one combat in order to earn them. A male or female can do this...but the rule is a little different for me. As the princess I am of a higher breed and their are nearly none of my own species who can best me, and many have tried. That is why the first to beat me...earns me. To keep the blood line strong. Ever since our sojourn into space and the invention of bio weapons, this rule has expanded to all creatures who are sentient and able to mate with my own race. And from our fall under the category."

She dropped her eyes to the floor and fell to one knee, one of her arms behind her back while the other curled into a fist and held her up from the floor. "That is why I Silvia of the Silver Clan hereby offer myself to you as your mate and subordinate. I am tasked with guarding you, the stronger, and serving you to the best of my abilities. Should I fail I shall die in disgrace." Her knuckles were white from the force with which she was making her fists and she bit her lip as she awaited to here how he would react or what his next order would be. "I your mercy." Her heart throbbed and she felt as though she were bird who had just lost its wings. Her life was over, now it only served as a part of his. So it was made, so it shall be.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Maero - 07-14-2009, 04:38 PM