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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay

Alex laid Silvia on to her bed and looked at his door and heard scratching and growling. He quickly covered her with a blanket so only her head was seen and slowly moved to the door. As soon as he unlocked it he was tackled to the ground.

"WHERE IS SHE!?" a wolf man screamed into his face.

"You...I take it you are Grace's body-?" Alex was silenced as Hunter punched his face.

"WHERE IS GRACE!?!" Hunter roared, gripping Alex's collar.


"Please...I'll...I'll give you another g..." Rain was cut off as a part of her screamed into her ear, making suffer a mental pain. "I'll...I'll give..." she stammered, something holding her back...Something... "I'll give you my asshole. I'll willingly let you fuck my ass, and I'll do anything else...."

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay - by MasterZero - 07-14-2009, 04:23 PM