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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"AHHH! Naruto! Make it stop!" 'she' screamed in pain. "Get me as far away from here as you can!" 'she' begged, tears in 'her' eyes. I should have been an actor Alex thought as he continued to scream and cry out in pain as he brought her to the medical ward. Try and see if you can't lose them. Get my body to safety he mentally ordered his clones.

He then looked at Naruto and while he screamed and acted as though he was in pain, wondered if he should kill the blond haired boy now or later. Killing him now would no doubt affect Hinata, though this way he could go back home sooner, and not have to worry about the ninja, but what if Alex couldn't kill him on the first hit? Then he'd be stuck in a fight he may not be able to win....


"What's that? W-what are you doing? Answer me!" Sakura pleaded, gulping in fear. "N-no matter what you do, I'll stay strong! You won't beat me!" she yelled, though the fear was clear in her eyes.

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by MasterZero - 07-10-2009, 05:23 PM