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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
The bathroom door was already open and the tube inside was easily large enough for Silvia to fit into. She curled up against Alex's chest instinctively and whimpered. Her dreams tormented her, but she was far to tired to awake. All she could do was seek her master's comfort, even if it was in another world.


Ren fallowed Hunter as they searched for the key and stayed close to him to stay in the light. They heard lots more splashing and growls in the darkness but still the beast did not approach the light. Finally they came across a hallway lined with key markings, all pointing deeper into the labyrinth. But before they could go in or get far Ren grabbed Hunter's shoulder and squeezed it tightly. "The slime is rising." She whispered in a slightly fearful tone.

Looking down Hunter would find that that was true. The slime level was rising, quickly in fact. IT was to her waist at the moment but climbing steadily. "We need to leave for now, if we get stuck in this slime then we wont be able to move anywhere without a struggle, and that monster is probably just waiting for us to get tired out." Ren waited for his answer, knowing it was ultimately his decision whether to go forward or back.


Mickal smiled and waited, watching her near her orgasm. "what a slut. Your about to cum in front of a complete stranger. This is the true you, the real deal. Get used to it, it only gets worse from here."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay - by Maero - 07-10-2009, 04:58 PM