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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)

Solia followed Faiz over to the empty table along with Ardeal. Aussa caught a glimpse of them sitting down and winked to them. Apparently, he was on to something good.

"So, what do you think he's managed to dig up?" Ardeal said, taking a wooden chair next to his sister. "It can't be too outrageous or the queen would be all over it."

Solia nodded in agreement, already seated. "You'd think they'd put cushions on these chairs or something." Ardeal gave her a stern gaze. "Hey, I'm only telling the truth. But as for Aussa's information, I agree with you, brother. It can't be too outlandish. However, he does seem pretty excited about it. I hope he's getting the info from a reliable source."


"Oh dear," the old woman said. "Being apart from family must be hard. Hang in there, my dears." She coughed into her hand a few times and it took her a few minutes to catch her breath, but when she recovered, she cleared her throat and began. "Well, it should be apparent that our humble city of Aqueorlitus did not always used to look like this and in fact only recently transformed into this monstrosity. It started about two weeks ago when a travelling orator, mystic, and jester arrived in our city. They immediately sought an audience with our consul in the Aqua Castle in the east part of town. The consul was feeling generous on the day and decided to hear their pleas. A whole two days went by without any news of the consul. That's when the rain started. We thought it might only be some light showers, but as time progressed, it soon became stormy constantly. But by that time, no one could make it to the castle to investigate because that is where the storms strike worst--almost as if to keep people away. Thus, after consistent storms, we could only hope for a miracle to help us solve the ultimate mystery of Aqueorlitus--What happened to the consul?" She took a very deep, and controlled breath.

Ariadne was quite intersted in the story. "That is quite a tale. We were afraid we weren't going to be able to make it into town because of the storms."

"Well, you were right to come to shelter here," the old woman replied. "Your efforts would not have been rewarded should you try to continue into town by yourselves. But with a little help, I think I might be able to get you two into Aqua Castle, but only if you're willing to help. We don't need help immediately--we can live with storms for a few weeks or so. But I fear that the longer the wait, the less chance we'll have at getting the consul back."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Messages In This Thread
Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - by Masquerade - 11-06-2008, 01:55 PM
RE: Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge) - by Masquerade - 07-05-2009, 04:17 PM