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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
When the dragoness screamed bloody murder. She swung her sword by his nose it was just a millimeter away, he didn't even have time to move. A second later his nose began to drip blood from his left nostril. He reached his hand up as he felt the blood his eyes widen in shook. He knew she could have killed; but didn't. Then he realized why she couldn't kill him because she would risk losing this Guyver thing he already new it was to be some sort of weapon by her attitude.

He knew he couldn't let her get her hands on it. Yet he was pretty sure she wouldn't keep him around for long if he couldn't do as he was told or somehow get the armor from him. His mind was racing as he wondered if the armor could be removed at all. Then the Ships control metal flared for a second as the ship went back to normal no longer showing what was around the ship. On one of the wall's an image appeared. It showed a unit remover in the middle of a stand with three regular Guyver on each side of they circular instead of in triangular shape like the unit he bonded with. It then showed the unit removing on a Creator's arm aimed at another Creator and showed. Another image appeared showing the Guyver as a deactivated unit. "So use the remove to remove a standard unit," he said softly to himself.

A passage way opened up in the floor that lead to the room where the Unit remover was. Casey was sorely tempted to go down there and see if the unit could be removed. He figured it would not be so simple as he continue to watch the image on the wall. It seemed the ship respond to his own will so he must have some sort of link to the ship and this different type of guyver. He began to wonder some if this was a prototype for a new Guyver.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Casey the furry one - 07-01-2009, 03:18 PM