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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
"Activate? Put on?! You put on?!" Silvia lashed up narrowly missing his head and growled. "You put suit on?! You became Guyver?!" This was outrageous, the suit bound to whoever wore the damn thing, that much she knew. Worse than that was the fact that he had beaten her! Her! He had defeated her so perfectly and flawlessly!

According to her culture, she would have to marry him! Marry a human! She growled and stomped, trying to think of a way out of this. The Dawn Star would have already picked up her signal in space and were likely headed for the ship even as she fumed. If the human was alive when they got there then there would be no avoiding it! But killing him might also destroy the guyver, and duty was placed above all in her people. She could not jeopardize the mission!

"You will give me the Guyver!" She said roughly, her brain having finished developing the needed nerves to speak the language. Her race was different from the creator race, somewhat more primitive as far as evolution went, and thus this rare form of mental mutation, which took a psychic photo of the organism she was trying to communicate with and remade her brain to understand it. It was crude but effective.

"If you do not give me the guyver now then you will never see your planet again!" She hoped this threat would be enough to bring the guyver out of him so she could kill him and leave single. But she had to hurry, already the dawn star was nearing them, it was only a matter of time...
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Maero - 07-01-2009, 02:05 PM